Chapter Eight

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Something in the pit of my stomach dropped as I slowly opened the door. 

Behind the door was a dark stairwell, towering down from whatever high up floor I'm on, to the bottom. I slowly stepped through the threshold of the door, walking towards the railing of the steel staircase.

My breath caught in my throat as I stared upon a figure staring right back up at me from the bottom of the winding stairs.

It was too dark to make out who or what was staring into my eyes -my soul- but I wanted to find out.

"Hello?" I shouted. An echo was all I received, still locked in the eyes of the figure below.

Suddenly the figure shouted back "I think I might need some help!" their voice sounded strange, almost staticky. "Could you come down here? I think I need some help!" So, it says again.

I took a deep breath. "What happened?" I echo back to it. In the slightest motion, even through the darkness, I could see its head tilt -crack- to the side.

"I think I need some help!" This time it shouted louder.

The pit in my gut my now larger than before. Something doesn't feel right.

"I'll go look for a nurse!" I shout back reassuring them, even if it doesn't feel right, they could just be a hurt person in need of help. Suddenly I could see them begin to move. Inching closer towards the next step, leaning on the railing. 

"No! I need you to help me, Annie!" Fear flooded all my sensations. "How do you know my name?" I quietly shouted back as I knew for some reason. I should run

It said nothing just started to move up the staircase at a swift speed. I turned immediately and ran out the door. What is that thing? I ran as fast as I could, my socked feet muffling the sounds of them hitting the tiled floor. A sound echoed loudly behind me; I turned my head back slightly just to be frightened at the sight before me.

"Mom" I breathed. Thats not my mother though. At least not anymore. Her beautiful blond hair, now a disheveled mess. Her once perfect blue sweater and black jeans now a ripped and bloody mess. "I think I need some help!" She shouted at me from the space in between us. I squinted at her face. Her eyes now lacked any whites and were a solid inky black color. Her face once pristine, now splattered with blood. And her teeth- razor sharp, bloody in line of her wicked smile.

"What did you do to my mother." Bearly audible as it left me. It looked at me, eyeing me as if I was a lamb at the slaughter and she the butcher happy to slice me up for her feasting pleasure.

"I think I need some help!" It shouted at me but only this time, instead of a staticky voice, it was my mothers. My heart dropped at the sound of her voice. Fearful and breaking. Coming out of this creature standing before me.

I didn't want to think about whose blood that was right now, I just want to leave. With a deep breath I turned and began running faster than before. The creature behind me let out a somewhat amused growl as it began to chase me, the sounds of its grunting and my mother's flats, slapping against the shiny hospital floors.

I screamed as I could hear it gaining on me.

I almost sighed in relief as I spotted my hospital room up ahead, down the identical hallways from the times before.

Speeding up my pace I sped into my hospital room, slamming the door as quickly as I entered. I twisted the lock and looked around the room for something to block the door with. I settled on the mattress, pulling it off the bed and slamming it up against the door. I could hear it prowling outside the door, I cowered in fear as I could hear it banging on the door, pounding on the wood. "I think I need some help!" It shouted again and again.

This is not how it ends.

Not like this.

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