Chapter Nine

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With shaky hands I glanced around the room, running towards the bed and pressing the help button.




Isn't something supposed to happen? Anger spiked in my heart as I grew tired of the creatures banging outside my door.

I walked over to the supplies cabinet in the corner, and looked for anything that could help me. Bandages, cloth wraps, twine. Nothing useful. The scissors from my last event are long gone.

The banging suddenly became silence.

I sucked in a breath and slowly crept towards the door. I pulled the privacy curtain back a bit, beside the door. Thats when it smashed its fist through the door as I was distracted. I screamed, startled by the action. Her bloodied fist began searching for a way to push the mattress from in front of the door. My heart raced as I ran forward, snatching a shattered piece of wood, and stabbing it into my own mother's hand. Warm blood gushed from her hand as she released a blood curdling cry. She pulled her hand back, through the now hole in the door, snapping the shard of wood free from her hand as she went. 

Burning tears spilled free from my eyes as I fell to the floor, clutching myself tightly to try to calm my shaken nerves. How did I get here? I go out for a walk to find my mother and I find myself trapped in an endless nightmare.

Endless nightmare.


'There's only one way to escape' My mirror selves words echoed in my mind.

Maybe I'm crazy or maybe I'm just over it.

I stood, walking towards the window. With a deep breath I placed my hands on it, trying once more as I tried to push it open. To my surprise, it slides all the way up, letting in the nothingness of the world. This is something I've never thought about.

Ending it.

But I don't want to be that creature's dinner. My mother. I don't understand anything in this world. I don't understand why David acted the way he did. I just don't understand.

The creature began to bang on the door once again, this time with more fury in the blows to the door. Enough to have me readying myself onto the ledge of the window

Suddenly it broke the door down. Its body looking like a scene from a horror movie. Blood dripped down its hands and there was more blood upon her neck and face.

But she was not alone.

In walks in Doctor Shing and David, both looking as bloodied as my mother. David looked at me with a curious expression plastered against the face I once loved. Doctor Shing looked like a dull mess, of nothingness.

"Come now, Annie, don't do something stupid." David murmured, taking a step closer.

My heart broke at his words, his voice sounding full of love and yet, so empty "What happened to you." I asked as a tear slid from my eye.

He then smiled flashing his bloodied teeth "They fixed me Annie, and they can fix you too." He Rushed forward in an attempt to grab me and in that moment I didn't think.

I just jumped.

Nobody knows what happens when we die. Some say we go to heaven or hell. Some say we go to limbo and get reincarnated. Some say nothing happens, you just are. Maybe if we don't know it'll be easier. Maybe we don't know because our expectations are too, high and if we did we would be disappointed with the nothing of it all.

He Died in the crash.

But I didn't.


My eyes blurry as I squinted them open. The smell of rose filled the air. I looked all around the room and that's when I saw her.


The End

AUTHORS NOTE: Awe I'm sorry in advance for that ending but that's what's been planned. I hope you have all enjoyed my mess that we call literature. I am the poet problem and thank you for being a part of the problem.

Love you meh babies!

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