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Why are party stores so confusing? I mean, seriously. I spent at least 30 minutes looking for streamers. Although most of that time was me trying to stop Sydney from getting distracted and focus on the stuff we actually needed to get.

"Ok so what are you going to say to Tyler when you see him?" Sydney asked putting a bunch of paper plates and napkins into the cart.

"We don't even know if he's coming yet." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh he's definitely coming. His childhood best friend is inviting him to her amazing 18th birthday extravaganza. Who would miss that?!" Sydney threw her hands up shrugging.

I laughed and kept walking. "Maybe he'll come maybe he won't. We'll just have to see."

Sydney held up a sparkly party hat turning to look at me. "Well, this is a fashion statement. What do you think?" She put it on and struck a pose.

"It looks like a disco ball on your head." I laughed.  "Come on. We gotta go find some table cloths."

                         Later that day...

As we finished laying the snacks out for the party I couldn't help but think about Tyler. I haven't seen him in so long. What if it'll be weird when I first see him? Maybe he won't even recognize me.

"Hello earth to Cassidy?" I snapped back into reality. Sydney was viscously shaking my shoulders.

"Huh?" I asked not knowing what she was talking about.

"I asked if we had enough cups out here."

"Uh, yea I think so."

"You were thinking about Tyler weren't you?" She looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Maybe...I'm a little nervous. I mean if he does come it's going to be so awkward. I haven't seen him in a while. Do you even think he remembers me?" I was sort of freaking out over this.

"Oh calm down will ya? He's totally gonna remember you. How could someone forget that beautiful smile?" Sydney said with a smile and a wink. I smiled back and blew her a kiss as she walked back inside to finish decorating. God, I'm so lucky to have a best friend like her.

"Cassy, grandma's here!" I heard Dylan yell. I put down the stack of napkins and went inside to say hi.


The party was already in full swing. Teenagers everywhere, music blaring, solo cups scattered around the yard, people jumping in and out of the pool, and surprisingly Tyler showed up. We kept sharing glances at each other all night.

Why does that make me have the feeling of butterflies in my stomach?

"Should we start the fireworks now?" Sydney asked tripping over her own two feet.

I laughed. "You should put that solo cup down and drink some water and I'll go get some blankets and lawn chairs for everybody."

She picked up a bottle of water and laughed. "Good idea. I get bad hangovers and I don't wanna wake up tomorrow feeling like I got hit in the head with a baseball bat."

"Whose gonna set off the fireworks?" I asked

"I got Brian Willing to do it. Had to pay him $20 and a date with Lucy Givens, poor girl." she said with a chuckle.

I came back minutes later and started passing out chairs and blankets to everyone. I flagged Sydney over who was dancing with Asher. I knew she'd go back to him.

She turned around giving him a passionate kiss that I did not need to witness and walked over sitting down next to me on a blanket waiting for the fireworks to start. "Bitch please tell me you're not talking to Asher again?" I asked giving her a disappointed look.

"He looks hot tonight and I'm a little drunk. Give me a break" She said rolling her eyes.

I sighed laying my head on her shoulder as the first firework popped in the air and dispersed into a mixture of colors.

We watched the fireworks go off for almost 20 minutes. Once they finished everyone started to go home.

"Alright I'll start cleaning inside. Someone threw up in the bathroom. Wish me luck" She said with a scowl on her face.

I laughed "Good luck babe." I started to collect the beer cans and paper plates on the ground when I saw Tyler walk towards me.

"Need some help?"

"Hey, yeah sure. You don't have to though." I smiled handing him a trash bag.

"I know. It would've seemed like I was a jerk if I just sat and watched you clean by yourself."

I smiled. I couldn't help but stare at his eyes. I missed those dark brown eyes. And from the looks of it Sydney was not wrong. He definitely doesn't look like how he used to. And I'm not complaining.

He turned around and I quickly looked away feeling redness spread throughout my cheeks.

"Shit, please tell me he didn't see me checking him out just now" I prayed to myself in my head.

"Hey..." he paused, "Um I was thinking, would you want to hang out sometime? Maybe we can catch a movie or go to that diner we used to hang out as kids. What's it called again?" he asked snapping his fingers for remembrance.

"Lola's" I say with a shrug. "And sure, I'd love to." He smiles back at me and nods. "Cool. It's a date." He paused for a second and then reached in his pocket. "Oh and I got you something."

He hands me a box with a pink bow on top. "You didn't have to get me anything." I said blushing once again.

"I know but it's your birthday. I would never miss your birthday." He winked and turned around to walk out.

As he walks away I couldn't help but smile and squirm with excitement. Did he seriously just ask me out?

"Holy shit girl, what just happened?" Sydney comes out running towards me. "I was watching through the window. Saw the whole thing. Did he just do what I think he did?!" You could probably see her excitement from a mile away.

"If you thought he asked me out than the answer is yes." I said and looked down at the box "and he also gave me this."

"Awe that's so cute! Open it!" Sydney shrieked.

I undo the bow and open the box to find a bracelet with a "C" charm and a heart charm on it. I picked up the note next to it.

Glad to be back. Missed seeing your beautiful smile. Happy Birthday Cass.

I smiled to myself. It wasn't such a bad birthday after all.


After Sydney and I finished cleaning up we headed back to my house.

"Can I stay the night tonight? I know I'm gonna be hungover and I really don't wanna deal with that shit alone."

"Girl I told you to slow down on the drinks" I laughed as we pulled into my driveway. "Of course. You can sleep with me but if you steal the blankets tonight your ass is going on the couch"

We both got out of the car and walked up towards the door. I heard whispering coming from inside. "What the hell have those two done this time?" Sydney smiled and opened the door.

As we walked in we were hit with a stagger of surprises and confetti poppers going off. I smiled watching our grandma come out with a cake and the kids throwing balloons into the air.


I blew out the candles "Thanks guys. That was so sweet of you."

"We helped grandma make the cake. It's chocolate!" Jenna exclaimed sounding so proud of herself.

"Ooo that sounds delicious. Shall we go enjoy it?" Dylan and Jenna run over to the kitchen as grandma started cutting the cake. "Did you know about this?" I asked Sydney.

"Of course I did. Let's get our asses over there and eat some cake." I smiled and wrapped my arm in hers.

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