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A couple months later...

"I have class tomorrow at seven and at three but I'll stop by during that time in between." I say to Sydney packing my backpack for the next day.

"Sounds good. So are you gonna drop the kids off at school before your morning class?"

I nod. "Yea I can. Can you pick them up?"

"I should be able to. I only have two classes and they're on Wednesdays so other than that I'll be able to pick them up every day if they don't plan on taking the bus."

Sydney and I started school a couple weeks ago. College is okay so far. The classes are a little more strict but only having 4 classes to worry about and having them sporadically throughout the week is a lot easier then 8 classes a day.

Tyler came in through the door with a smile on his face. "You got it?" he nodded.

I shrieked giving him a tight hug. He spun me around, hands wrapped around my waist.

"I knew it!! I knew you would get it! When do you start?"

"Next week. One of the main instructors wants to show me the ropes before having me lead my own class."

I gave him a kiss hugging him again. "Congratulations."

Tyler had his interview today for the karate studio. "Look at us adulting. We're killing it."

"Hell yeah we are." I held out my fist. Tyler and Sydney both looked at me with a judgmental look.

"What have you guys never heard of a fist bump before?"

"A fist bump? What are we, twelve?" Tyler snorted.

"Ok jesus I guess we won't fist bump." I muttered to myself.

"Hi Tyler. Hi Sydney. Hi Cassy." Jenna addressed us as she walked in the door signaling the kids home from school.

"Sup." Dylan came in afterwards doing that nod that guys do when they see each other

"Sup?" Sydney whispered.

"He's twelve going on sixteen." I shook my head going to my room.

I have a few classes to study for before those exams where they test you to see where you're at with the class and if you need to be put in a higher ranking class.

I don't know exactly what I want to do career wise but as of right now I'm just getting my basic core classes done so I don't have to worry about them in the future.

Sydney is gonna try to find a job as well. She looked around a couple places but hasn't heard anything back. I hope she does. She's probably the smartest, kindest soul I've ever met and if they don't accept her application it's a loss on their part.

"Whatcha doing?" Tyler asked sitting on the bed next to me.

"I'm trying to study for these exams I have coming up. I just want to get these core classes out of the way so I can focus on what I wanna do and what I need to do to do what I wanna do." I said quickly pausing to look at Tyler who clearly didn't understand what I was saying.

"What if I'll never know? What if I can't find a career in time and I'll just be stuck at home not doing anything with my life. What if..." I ran out of breath before Tyler interrupted me.

"Remind me to never ask you what you're doing." he laughed a little.

I smile. "Sorry. I just don't want to spend my life wondering what I could've done and missed my opportunity."

He grabbed my hand bringing me in close kissing me on the top of my head. "I promise you will know. When the time is right you'll know."

I take a deep breath thankful that he was here to stop me from going crazy. "Thank you."

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