Twenty Five

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"Babe come on we gotta go before all the good parking is taken."

"Hold on. I'm coming." I yell back finishing the last layer of lipgloss and grabbing the bouquet of flowers that rest on my dresser.

Today is the kids graduation. Jenna 1st grade and Dylan 6th. Sydney, Tyler, and I had our graduation a couple weeks ago since our school ends earlier then theirs.

It feels so good to finally graduate and start my life. It was hard not having my parents there watching their daughter walk across that stage getting her diploma. Seeing all the other parents shout and holler when it was their kids turn was hard. But I had my grandma there of course and the kids.

"Sorry I just had to finish my makeup. Do I look like their sister or their mother?"

Tyler smiled pulling me in a hug. "You look beautiful. Now come on, Sydney's waiting in the car."

I followed him out the door and got in the car that was already running. "Ugh my hair is so not cooperating today." Sydney said holding a mirror in front of her trying to tame the frizzy pieces sticking up.

"Good lord we're not going to a wedding guys. It's an elementary graduation." Tyler scoffs.

"Says the guy who tried on four different shirts." I say eyeing him.

I know I'm probably over reacting but this day is important to me. To all of us. I'm so proud of Jenna and Dylan. I want to be there for them. I want them to know that I'll be there to support them no matter what.

We pull in finding what seemed like the last free parking spot. "I wasn't sure if you guys would make it. Come on I saved us some seats." my grandma says meeting us at the doors.

"Damn how many people can they fit into this tiny gym?"

"Don't swear, we're in an elementary school. It feels wrong." I sigh nudging Sydney's arm. I heard her chuckle to herself.

Everyone starts to clap as the stage curtain draws open revealing the very excited children ready to perform and graduate. Although some look like they might pee their pants, cry, or throw up.

I grab my phone out ready to record as I see both Dylan and Jenna notice me waving high. Jenna looks so happy to see me, bouncing up and down with her smile stretching across her face.

Dylan smiles but tries to keep it more contained knowing that the songs are about to start.

"They look so cute." I whisper as a tear escapes. Tyler notices it and chuckles grabbing my hand. "It hasn't even started yet and you're already crying."

I roll my eyes. "Leave me alone, they're my babies."

After a while of singing songs the children each step down from the risers as their name was called to receive their diploma.

We all shout and clap as Dylan and Jenna were called. Jenna looked a bit shy now having to stand right in front. Dylan looked as proud as he could be.

They all did a final bow before the curtains drew shut again. "Family's and friends, we appreciate you coming and showing your support for these brave kids tonight. Please exit towards the hall to meet the children." the principal said gesturing to the hall behind us.

We all gather at the side waiting for them to come out.

"Oh my gosh you guys did amazing!" I yelled as I opened my arms for them to come running to me. They both collided into me causing me to go from a squatting position to now being fully on the floor.

"Did you see me Cassy?" Dylan asked smiling from ear to ear.

I nodded. "Yup. I saw both of you. I have a video we can watch later."

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