She's shy...

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Date of entry: 7.1.23

Most people
Assume that we're shy
Like we're quiet
Because of a really cute guy

When really we're nervous
Around other girls
Like we're being watched
By the whole world

Boys are just boys
But girls, they're mean
We learn this
By the age of thirteen

They're ruthless
And most unkind
For no reason
Most of the time

Just cause we exist
With our extra weight
They'll call you out
In front of your classmates

"You can date that guy,
cause he is fat too."
Says one girl
Telling me what I can and can't do

The girls will spread rumors
"The fat girl, she stinks"
And even if you don't
It's what everybody thinks

I can admit
These girls can get creative
They'll compare you to anything
To make you feel degraded

They laugh
Just as you're walking by
Or making teasing gestures
In the corner of your eye

They just stare and they judge
"She's unclean, she's gross!"
But do you want to know
What really hurts the most?

If these girls
Could just learn to love and not hate
A much kinder world
We could create

We know men will follow
Look at Adam and Eve
We just need to head in the right direction
Us women could lead

If one girl said to me
"Wow, you're really pretty"
I'd actually believe her
And not take it as pity

"You're pretty for a fat girl"
We'll save for another day
And trust me
I'll have a whole lot to say

But no, we're not shy
Just were treated unfair
Silenced by the mean girls
Who put those doubts there

The doubts on our looks
Because ours bellies are round
Building up walls
That we have to break down

Words that brand us
Like the cows they say we are
The pain that they cause
When they take it too far

The moments that cut us
A little too deep
Are the emotional scars
We will always keep

So when you see a fat girl
And think "oh she is shy"
Stop and ask yourself

Bullying is our
First obstacle in life
We learn who is kind
And who's holding the knife

Some fat girls
Get loud and are confident
They've learned to rise
From all the torment

But other ones fall
To the rumors and they hide
Carrying even more weight
Of the insecurities inside

So when you see a fat girl
That you think is shy
Take the first step
And just say "hi."

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