Things that make us blush

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Here are some small things
That may make you my crush
Tiny little things
That are sure to make me blush

Staring at me the way that I
Stare at chocolate cake
Like you could eat me up
Until you got a bellyache

Making me laugh is surely
A way to make me yours
Have me belly laughing
Until the tears start to pour

If you take a double take of me
When I'm in a bathing suit
Or pull out your camera
Like I'm in a photoshoot

Being proud to call me yours
And show me off to your friends
I can tell you this
Will be a happy end

To hug me from behind
Wrapping your arms around my waist
Even if they don't reach the whole way
It's still my favorite place

Putting your face only
A few inches from mine
Forcing our personal bubbles
To become one and combine

At a restaurant being thoughtful
Of where I'd like to sit
Making sure I'm comfortable
Making sure I fit

Offering to tie my shoe
If you see me having trouble
And on my bad days
Offer me some cuddles

Don't be afraid to laugh at me
Cause I will laugh at you
Take me to a special place
Only for us two

Force me out of my comfort zone
Even though I won't like it
It will make me happy
I'll be happy that I tried it

Let me meet your dog
I bet he's really sweet
I promise to always bring him
A special little treat

Let's take a hike or travel
I want to see the world
Believe that I can do that
Even being a big girl

Treat me like I'm a princess
But also like one of the boys
Treat me like I'm the only one
That's something that I'd enjoy

Leave me a hand written note
Or a voice message on text
When we go out
You choose the place we go to next

Let your hand brush mine
Or take my hand to hold
And even though it may not fit
Offer me your sweater when I'm cold

Pull me close to you
Every time that we slow dance
If I step on your foot and try to run
Don't give me the chance

Just send me an "I miss you" text
Or maybe even two
You do all this for me
I'll do tenfold back for you

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