Plus Size Store

239 26 7

Date of entry: 7.8.23

If any fat girl
Has one fear
It's shopping for clothes
Let's make this clear

For every 500 stores
We maybe get two
And to find any cute ones
Well, read the reviews

When I was a kid
It was the boys section for me
My mom took me there
Cause I was a little chunky

The girl's shirts were too short
And the pants were too tight
Women's clothing, you would think
But mom said boys clothes is alright

The shoulders were wide
And the fabric was long
And the only shape it gave
Was of a girl who won't belong

I'm the first born daughter
I felt bad for my mom
Dressing her daughter like a boy
For her I stayed strong

"Yeah, this is good"
Is the thing I would say
I'd pretend my boy clothes
Wouldn't effect me each day

She was trying her best
She would search the whole store
Why give her a hard time?
She's never done this before

Young girls my age
Could never be this fat
But I guess boys could be
The stores accounted for that

Imagine it had been
The other way around
Boys looking through girls clothing
How funny does that sound?

It's a sight I'd pay for
And one I'd love to see
For them to know how it feels
To be someone like me

It took me until junior year
And yes, I mean high school
To find the perfect bra
And to use it as a tool

It gave me curves in the right places
Finally feeling like me
A new confidence shown through
For the whole world to see

When you've been dressed in boys clothing
Since primary school
You learn to take the hits
And learn that kids can be cruel

But when you finally grow up
And find a store that's just for you
You feel so validated
Like it's too good to be true

You have options on the rack
And nearly everything fits
It's all feminine and girly
But you start liking it

You see your persona change
And start finding yourself
You realize you're gorgeous
You learn your self wealth

It's like breaking the chains
Boys clothing, no more
All because some person
Opened up a plus size store

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