
171 16 5

Date of entry: 8/06/23

Go and ask a fat girl
What it is she can do
I bet she can write
Or carry a tune

I'm sure she is smart
Or wickedly funny
I bet you she's stylish
And has lots of money

Do you know why us fat girls
Have talent like we have weight?
So that we can be seen
Or taken out on a date

Even if we're beautiful
People just see fat
So we have to learn new things
To make up for that

She's fat
But she can cook
She's fat
But she's rich

She's fat
So that must mean
She won't be a bitch

Or my favorite is
"She can't cheat on me"
"She's not that hot
And she's not sexy"

When guys swipe right
It's not cause we caught their eye
Some think we're easy
Like we'd be lucky for their "hi"

And then when you go out with then
They expect you to put out
"Oh, she's lucky to be here with me"
They think without a doubt

And you know what joke
Has pissed me off
And once was said to me?
"Fat girls give the best head
Because they're always hungry"

The guy just laughed
I never spoke
Then he asked
"What? Can't take a joke?"

I said, "I'd laugh
If I thought it was funny,
if you were cute
Or if you had money"

Fat girls can't just live
And be taken for who they are
They've gotta have the best makeup
Best clothing, best car

The next time you meet a fat girl
Ask her about her hobby
Ask her why she does so much
Or why she isn't snobby

We're not allowed
To be rude or mean
We're only allowed to be cheerful,
Always pristine

And even when we are
At the top of the heap
We're just considered average
No rewards to reap

No recognition
No praise
No one sees what we go through
Day after day

No one cares about the shape wear
We tuck ourselves in to
Just don't be a slob
That's what we're s'posed to do

We spend hours on makeup
Hours on our hair
People don't see it
People don't care

How do you make them care?
How do you make them see?
You work your ass off
To learn every fucking hobby!

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