26 & Still Learning

70 5 3

Date of Entry: 11.13.23

This is my 26th poem,
I am 26 years old
I learned at a young age
I don't quite fit the mold

Mine is cracked and stretched out
A bit lopsided if you ask me
But I can promise you this
I'm high quality

I'm loyal and funny
And sexy and strong
I'm usually right
But can sometimes be wrong

Wrong when I compared myself
To girls in the magazines
Wrong when I told myself
I was worthless at thirteen

Wrong when I talked myself
Down in front of boys
Wrong when I let my voice
Get lost in the noise

Wrong when I doubted myself
Or I felt unworthy
Thought everyone hated me
Because I was curvy

Wrong for feeling self conscious
While working out
Wrong for allowing myself
To shut the world out

Wrong for building walls
Not letting anyone get close
Wrong for pushing away
The ones I loved most

I'm still learning so much
But I've come so far
I'll keep pushing myself
To raise that bar

I won't wait for a guy
To come rescue me
It's when I love myself
That I'll finally feel free

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