Stars and Stripes

352 34 15

Date of entry: 7.4.23

The stars
Are my dimples
That run
Across my thighs

And curving
Across my legs,
The night sky

He grabs them
And holds them
Squeezing me
Just right

His arms keeping
Me warm
The cold night

My stripes
Are my stretch marks
On my stomach
They fly

Showing where
I've been
From every milkshake
Every fry

I cherish each mark
With every stride
I wear them confidently
I wear them with pride

Now don't think
I want everyone to take after me
Because these I've collected
On my own journey

But don't get upset
That I accept who I am
Because frankly- big or small-
Not many people can

I'm not preaching
And saying all people should be fat
I'm saying to love yourself
What's so wrong with that?

So when you see my marks
And don't want to "swipe right"
Just know someone's gonna love
My Stars and My Stripes.

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