Caged In

277 29 7

Date of entry: 7.7.23

This cage they put me in
Is not made for my size
The bars of society
Are cutting into my thighs

My stomach's pressed against the bars
They're cold and unforgiving
They tell me I'll be comfortable
The day I start thinning

Why should I want to fit
In a cage they forced me in?
Why is my only choice to suffer
Or be thin?

If we just had some compassion
Maybe widen up the cage
We'd be starting a new chapter
Like turning a new page

Where everyone could fit this cage
Whether you're big or small
Or perhaps- dare I say it-
Not have a cage at all

Maybe our differences can be
The one thing holding us together
Not truly fitting in but
Sticking by that fact forever

I feel the shackles on my wrists
And them tight around my leg
This cage is suffocating
For my freedom, I do beg

Maybe one day we'll discover
The love and beauty in variety
I'm just saying this as a
Plus size prisoner of society

AN: all I'm saying is I'm kind of obsessed with this one. I feel ideas growing more challenging but I feel it's making me think harder, which is exciting! Thank you for reading, I hope you like them!

Plus Size Prisoner of SocietyWhere stories live. Discover now