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"The next one is a girl" says a blonde man with hearts in his eyes....

"How can you know that??" ask many

"My instinct on women is never wrong"
"Navigator Navigator " he does a weird dance

Ok wake up evryone let's react to react to the Navigator of the crew

'I hope it's not me, But I'm having a very bad feeling'

The screen lights up

We see three pirates chasing after a girl
They keep chasing the figure

"What did I told you?? Next one is a girl..... Navigator swan Navigator Swan" a blonde man does a weird dance

' Maybe he is part of the crew.... he checks in one requirement of the crew, weirdness ' thinks many

"Thief?? Did he say Thief???
Don't tell me the next one is really a pirate thief??"

Suddenly a Figure falls from the sky Screaming....

"WHAT??" says the girl
says one of the pirates

"I'm saved.... That's was an interesting experience " says the supposed Captain

The girl look at the captain and smirk...

"BOSS YOU CAME TO SAVE ME" says the girl
" Ehh?? who are you" ask the captain
"Sorry, I will leave the rest to you" says the girl and runs away...

"Ahahahah she set him up"...

The scene change we now see the pirates on the floor beaten up by the Captain

The girl is now on the roof to check if the guy is still alive

You are strong, aren't you??" ask the girl

The blurry captain Figure looks up in surprise
"You won barehanded against saber" says the girl

"Ah, You were that...
Who are you??" reply the Captain

"I am a thief that robs the pirates
My name is Nami
Hey why don't you join me" ask the girl now revealed as a beautiful lady with orange hair...

"Hahahahah the captain is crazy.... A Bounty Hunter now a pirate thief "
The said girl is now transferred from Civilians area next to Zoro...

"No I'll never become a pirate" shouts the girl
Zoro: Can you just continue watching Witch

"Nami Swan Nami Swan" the weird blond never stop dancing from the start

The scene change the girl and the Captains is in a house.... The captain is eating sandwiches

Do you lived here alone??" ask the Captain

"I don't live in the town" reply Nami
"The locals were afraid of Buggy, So they ran away"

"So you are breaking and entering??"
ask the captain

"That's rude I'm a thief that robs pirates
Don't compare me to someone that breaks and enter"

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