Captain 17

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Let's start.....

"How did Ace's Mera Mera Fruit get here??"ask Luffy

"I heard there are no two
Devil fruits of the same power existing at once

However , when a Devil Fruit eater die
A devil fruit with the power that
the deceased possessed will pop up again somewhere in the world

And when somebody eat it ,
he'll become the new holder of that power

After 'Fire Fist' Ace died.
the Mera Mera Fruit was, without anyone knowing , reproduced
and the Young Master-sama got hold of it! " says a man....

"I can't believe the Young Master sama
made the Logia type Devil Fruit a prize for the competition

If I can possess such incredible power,
My life will change..." says the thug

"I'm not gonna let you eat it!" says Luffy

"Now if I remember, Ace was your...." say Franky

"I want it Mera Mera Fruit" says Luffy to Franky....

"Luffy stop crying...... I will be always watching you"

"Umm.... " says Luffy snuffling

We skip some scenes....

Franky and Luffy was in front of Colosseum with a one legged toy....

"We're closing entries from the public for today's competition!" shouts a women in armor....

"I don't think anyone from the public wants to enter.
They're all cowards! " says the women

"Hey Luffy!
I guess we have to go in separately " says Franky pointing at the women

oh, here, here, I want to enter!
Enter! Enter! Enter! Enter " shouts Luffy

People's are looking at him...

"No, you don't ! you're too old! " says the toy...

"Dahaha..... how is he fooling people with that disguise???"

"Seriously why don't they recognize him??" ask Smoker

"I'm pretty sure he is infamous at that time" says Tashigi

Luffy is currently laughing in front of the reception....

"Grandpa , I'm currently accepting
entries for the competition in the Corida Colosseum " says the receptionist . .

"I know, I'm entering " replies Luffy

"Huh?? Does that old man wants to enter?" says one onlooker

"Is he nuts??
does he have any idea about the other competitors ?" ask a toy

"I don't think so..
because in addition to all those powerful people
from the New World , looking to win Mera Mera Fruit.
there are some formidable fighters
from Don Quixote Family!" replies the onlooker

Franky whispers to Luffy's ears...
"Hey Luffy, Listen . Promise me just one thing.......
You can fight as you like
but don't ever let them know who are you!"

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