Straw Hats vs Tobi Roppo

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"What is the strength of both side?!" ask Sengoku

"Beast Pirate have a large number.... can the alliance even put up a fight?!" ask Aokiji

I'm sure Luffy will call his self claimed fleet, Right?!" ask Shanks...

Sorry for being the bearer of bad news...Luffy doesn't use his fleet....
Its 30,000 for Beast Piartes and 5,400 for the alliance

"Rest in peace.... Ninja-Samirai-Pirate-Minks alliance" says many

"Idiot!! Luffy" Ace and Nami beat up Luffy

"We are going to die!!" cries Usopp

"Hey, Hey!! We will win....." shouts Luffy

"Are you crazy? We are fighting Kaido and Bigmom and they have more numbers" cries Nami shaking Luffy

"Worororo I hope they can atleast put up some fight, It will be boring otherwise!!"

"Hey... We will win, just see" yells Luffy

"Worroororor.... I like your optimistic nature!!"

Nami vs Ulti
(*I'm not gonna go into details with these fights, except for Jimbei because it was lore drop)

"Why me first??" cries Nami

"Worororor.... She doesn't stand a chance"

"Stfu overgrown fishzard.... Nami will beat oty!" says Luffy

"Fishzard?!" ask many in confusion

"oty?!" ask Ulti pointing at Luffy

"Mamammama.... That's very accurate!! Fishzard"

"You got a cheeky mouth, Brat!!
I hope you can keep that for long" says Kaido

"Wait Fishzard?!..... Oh I get, Lol
Kaido got roasted" laughs Shanks

"How about bet, fishzard?!" aks Luffy

"Worororo.... If Ulti win, You join my crew after I defeat you!"

"Shishishi!!! If Nami win, you do Oden's Naked Dance!!" says Luffy

"Pay-Pay got beaten up because of you!" yells Ulti holding up Tama

"What?!" screams Ulti

"Who beat my Pay-Pay??!" shouts Ulti in rage

"I'm so death.... She look scary, Help me!" cries Nami

Tama cries loudly

"Don't you hear me say 'Stop?!' " shouts Nami running towards Ulti

Nami hits Ulti on her face with a her staff that turns into a spike cub

The baton can do that?!" ask Nami in surprise

"You bxxxx!!" screams Ulti

"I don't know who is should cheer for, Nami-swan, Ulti-Chuan!!" dance Sanji

"Hopeless pervert!!" says Zoro

"What did you say,Moss head?!"

"That you are hopeless! curly Brow!" says Zoro

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