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~~~Musician Musician~~~ sings and dances Luffy Happily........
"Dahahahah.... Musicians are the best".....

"I'm pretty sure the crew doesn't have a normal musician"...

Let's start......

The pirates are sailing in a dark water .......

"What's up with this seas
It isn't night yet...
But with thick fog, Its creepy how dark it is" says Zoro...

"Don't you think we stumble into that one sea??
I'm not ready for this" says Nami....

"What??? we're drawing upon Fishman Island?" ask Usopp...

The Captain replies in a creepy voice...
"Nope! first we have to cross haunted  waters".....

"Mom I'm scared".....

Many are Shaking...

"Yep! don't let your guards down
" continues Franky with a chilly voice and scary look....
"From the looks of it, We're already caught in the infamous....

Florian Triangle " continues Franky....

Many screams....

"These are mysterious water where everything disappears without explanation  " continue Franky...

Usopp freaked out "It's ha - ha - haunted " screams Usopp....

"These seas are huanted" laughs the captain......

Usopp: " No I quit being a pirate!......."
"Mom I'm scared"......
Chopper screams and run around...

Luffy laughs at the whole time...

"What the hell?? And you all knew about this??" ask Usopp
"You never bothers to fill me in!".... said shaking

"Zoro! " calls Chopper while shaking like a leaf...... We see a white Ghost near him....

"Ghost " shouts many .....
"Shishishi " laughs Luffy....

The captain continues laughing
and tells "Granny Kokoro gave us the heads up....
There's a living skeleton!!"

"A living skeleton??" shouts Usopp.... he turns blue....

"Only in your imagination

Don't scare him more than he already is" says Sanji lighting a match.....

"Listen Usopp
In this seas, over 100 ships mysteriously vanish every year

And to top it off... I've heard ghost ships
Carrying the dead wanders these waters" said Sanji makes a scary face with a lit match under his face....

"No! you should warned me about this sooner" exclaims Usopp

"What good would have done??" ask Sanji

"I could'd prepared!! I've got to cover myself in anti evil stuff!!"...... said Usopp

"Usopp please let me borrow some" says Chopper....

the scene Zoom out .... we see shadow of a ship approaching the pirates ship..... with broken mast and torn sails.....

and we heard a voice
~~~~~ Yo ho  ho ho.....~~~~~ a beautiful voice singing but its creepy....

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