Oden's Flashback- part 2

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"The Pirate king is fricking cool" says Luffy.....

"Stop fanboying over him, Luffy!" yells Garp....

"You are just jealous, Grandpa" yells Luffy....

Why would I be jealous of that Man Child" shouts Garp

"As if you can call someone Man Child, Garp!" yells Sengoku

Let's continue.... but before that!!! Abracadabra

"Where am I?? " ask Momonosuke, Yamato, Queen, Jack, Peros Pero, Toppi Roppos, Hiyori and Orochi.....

"Momonosuke!" calls Kinemon

"Yamato!" calls Ace and Kaido...

Stop the reunion.... I'm gonna teleport you guys to your seats.... Abracadabra

Momo and Hiyori sits near the Akazaya....

Orochi sits between the Akazaya

Yamato sits near Ace...

Others sits near their respective pirate crew

Ok for you newcomers... Go watch the previous videos.... I'm waiting!!

5 hours Later......

"Ace!! Why do you have to die?!" cries Yamato

"Are they going to fight Kaido with us?
Thank you!!" says Momonosuke...

Hiyori is still playing Komurasaki role....
but she is happy to meet Momonosuke

"The Akazaya are alive!!! Kaido kill them, Kill Kozuki Momonosuke" screams Orochi with fear

"Do it yourself, I lost interest in Wano!!! When will I get to watch Brat vs Me!!" shouts Kaido

"Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom!
We are going to fight the Straw Hat Pirates!
I'm gonna kill Judge's son! Funk!

Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom..
I may look chubby but it's all muscle!
I can sing and dance, that's my Funk!" dance Queen...

"Why is this fat headache here?" says King exhaling

"Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom....
If i get thinner, I'll be more popular than you!
You better hide your race or you will fall to the blade of the Minority hunter! Funk!

Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom
Komurasaki sit with me!
You will fall in love with my Funk" dance Queen....

"Shut up you are annoying" says King and Jack

Let's start.....

Oro Jackson is at the sea floor

"Will be born..
Our ruler will be born" says a Seaking

"Another will be born in a distant sea..." says another

"Even whales are happy to know that the two rulers will meet again one day"

"Two rulers??" ask Sengoku and Akainu

"What is wrong with all this prophecies??
I feel like we are in Naruto or Bleach...." shouts Many

Oden picks up the voice....
He looks around in confusion

"We have been waiting for so long, too"

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