Captain 11

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"Who won yoi???? " Ask Marco

We will resume to Luffy


We see Luffy climbing up a high wall.....

"So what do I do??
if I just stay here, they'd find me again...." said Luffy....

He jumps around the battlements of the high wall

"She said there's was pirate ship on this Island....
I just have to borrow that..... " said Luffy...

He almost tripped but somehow balance it....

"Where did he ended up.....??? Where did Kuma sent him flying???" ask Ace...

"Nami aren't here and I'd just get lost on my own

I got it

I should have them take me along on their ship

I'll ask them if they can take me back to the Saboady Archipelago..

So I'll just...
I've gotta speak to someone important
and seeing how important people live in tall building ...." Said Luffy......

Luffy put his hand on his head....
"I'm thinking too hard.... I might get a fever..."

"Ahahhahahah that's so you... Luffy" said Ace....

"Seriously where will he end up.... I hope it's a safe place....." said Sabo....

"Anyway, I'll just try going into the tallest building ! " said Luffy.... He look down and see a big village....

"Amazon Lily...... He is death.... No man can enter there......." Shouts Tashigi.....

"Of all place he has to get teleported near Boa Hancock, Another Shichibukai...... he will be killed yoi" said Marco....

"I don't think there will be a problem.... Hancock is simping him hard" said Izo....

"No..... He ended up there......
My not me....... "cries Sanji....

"What's with you and Shichibukais?? you ran into 5 of the seven Shichibukas..." ask Ace....

He looks around....
"I'll try that one!" says Luffy Jumping down

He landed on the roof of a red Building....

the roof gives out and Luffy falls inside....
"It broke so easily "

He landed on the water.... and drowns....

"Luffy " shouts Ace and Sabo...

Luffy drown a while but it is shown that the water is very Shallow

He finally realized it after struggling to swim.........

"My feet are on the ground....
I'm safe " said Luffy standing up

"Hahahhahah......... Haahhahahahahahhaha" " laughs Smoker....

"Pftttt....:" laughs Many...


"Anchor living up to his Nickname.... Dahahhahah"

"Seriously Luffy??" ask Ace and Sabo...

Luffy looks around...

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