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Let's react to the Shipwright.....

"Ok The crew is entertaining".....

We see Nami and the captain riding on the back of a Yagara bull......

We see a foot on top of a bridge...

"What's all this fuss
lot's of people are here" a voice wonders out loud
"Well the bigger the audience, The better"....

We hear a beat.....

the Civilians freak out hear that...
"Ah! this rythm is...."
"Don't tell!! oh no!"
"why at a time like this???"

"Hey you guys! Did you just call my name??" the voice echoes throughout the place

'So Franky joins the crew' thought Iceberg...

'Super ' thought Franky....

"We didn't! Go away "
Where??? where is he??"
"Ah!! he's over there " points someone on the top of the bridge...

We see three shadows behind a screen dancing...
"Yow! Yow!
come now
don't be shy
ask me my name!"
sings a voice while dancing

"Is evryone on this crew weird????"

Nami: why do we attracts all weirdos....

"We don't wanna ask! Get lost!"
"you're the one who attacked Iceberg san, aren't you??"
"What??? he did it??"

"Its gotta be him"
"Be gone from the island"
shouts many...

"Geez.... what noisy flies....
I'm the number one super guy!
the face of the water seven underworld!

That's right! people call me....


Franky"..... Sings and dance the shadow........
But the screen is removed revealing the weird speedo wearing blue hair....
He got transferred next to Robin.....

"Yo..... Super.... Nice to meet you" says Franky and did a weird dance. ......

"Pervert " said Nami....

"Hey I'm not a pervert.... I'm a Super pervert " shouts Franky with a weird post.....

"He is cool Ace".....


we are now on Ennies Lobby..... Franky sees the pirates declare war on the world Goverment for their Nakama....

"No matter how many times we watch it.... This always gives me chills "

"You guys I love you guys so much! " cries Franky

after a while.... Spandam tries to carry Robin away when he turns... He saw Franky

and ask "Cutty flame??"

"Who is this Cutty flame??"

"Wow... that my old name..... Now I go by Franky... Super "

Franky holds up a stack of papers....

One piece characters react to futureWhere stories live. Discover now