Captain 19

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"Worororoor..... it's time of Linlin's humiliation...."

"Mamamama.... I'll kill him"

"if you got humiliated with just half of his crew, you better commit sucide Linlin" says Kaido

Ok let's start......

Charlotte Cracker claps his hand....

"Maamamamama.... he will die, He face my son, Cracker"

"That's is an unfair matchup " says Ace laughing

"I kinna feel sorry for Cracker" says Sabo laughing

"Why are you laughing??" shouts Big Mom

"You send a Biscuit to fight Luffy??? Dahahahaha"

Biscuit soldier starts to form....

Luffy excited runs towards them and start eating them....

"That's what happens when you send a Biscuit to fight Luffy" laughs Ace, Sabo, and Shanks

"Arggghhh..... " shouts Big Mom in rage

"Yummy! Nice and Crunchy " says Luffy

"He ate Cracker sama's Biscuit warriors!" says a large tree

"What??" exclaims many of talking flowers and trees....

"How could you eat them?" ask Cracker shouting in rage

"Biscuits are food!" replies Luffy

"Dahahahaha..... Big Mom send a food to fight Luffy" laughs Shanks

"Gurarara..... "

"Her brain is fried from fighting during non stop pregnancy... Wororororororo"

"Shut up... Overgrown Lizard!" shouts Bigmom

"That's right Luffy!
Once you eat them, they can't turn back!
Eat as much as you can!" says Nami

Luffy finished off all the Biscuit soldiers

Cracker claps and summon more.

Luffy smiles and runs towards them and start eating them

Luffy jumps from one Biscuit soldier to another eating it...

"How dare he ...
What's with that kid?..." shouts Cracker....

Luffy ignores him and keep munching....

"You little! ..." says Cracker..

Crackers runs up to Luffy and attack him with his sword....
Luffy jumps to another Biscuit soldier..

"You still gonna eat??" shouts Cracker

Cracker attack again.... Luffy dodge it
and bounced off.... and make a satisfying face

"He ate them all" says Cracker

"Hahahahab......" laughs Garp

"Dahahhaha.... Seriously?? Big Mom??" ask Shanks

"Damn.... I know he is a glutton
But isn't that a bit too much...." says Sengoku

"Big Mom is trying to fatten up Luffy.... so she can eat him"says Robin

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