Super Nova Trio vs Yonkos

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"The Beast Pirates are actually losing" says Aokiji

"Luffy doesn't even use his Grand Fleet!" says Ace proudly

"As long as Kaido and Big Mom is there..
It doesn't matter!" says Akainu

Kid and Law vs Big Mom

"Why her first?!
I'm sick of waiting" says Kaido

"Watch and learn how to win..

"Linlin.... You came to Wano after losing" says Kaido

"That wasn't a lost" shouts Big Mom

"Trafalgar.... Has your fruit awakened?!" ask Kid

"I'm not used to it yet.." replies Law

"But we can't make any progress like this.....
Back me up with that ace up your sleeve!!" says Kid

"You shitty old bag!!" shouts Kid and makes a Giant Robot like structure with metals

"How stupid you are to think the bigger the better!!!" says Big Mom

"Seriously..... What can that do to her?" ask many

"I hope they kill each others.... Pirate Scums!" says Akainu

"Mamama.... As if they can kill me!!"

"Shut up old bag, I can dream too!" replies Akainu

"Ikoku Sovereignty!" shouts Big Mom and attack at Kid with a beam

The Giant metal robot got destroyed and Kid is bleeding

"Mamamama.... How weak!"

"Seriously Kid.....?!" ask Apoo

"Beckman cutting you hands off wasn't enough?!" ask Smoker

"Worororooror..... He atleast have guts!!"

"Mama mama, Do I get the first one?!" ask Big Mom

Law is behind Big Mom

Anesthesia!!" says Law and put small spear in his sword....

Laws jumps down and extend his swords penetrating Big Mom's neck from her back...

"The penetration is harmless!
But K-room generates shockwaves from inside!!
Shock Willie!!" shouts Law
Electricity runs through Law's Sword...
Big Mom screams in pain

"Wtf was that?!" ask many.....

"He can attack people from inside?!" ask Smoker

"He can bypass Mama's defense?!" ask Katakuri

"Damn you shitty brat!" shouts Big Mom

"I'll make you magnetic!
Punk Crash!" shouts Kid

Multiple metals Including huge Steel beam slams at Big Mom in high speed

"Hey.... I did more damage than Trafalgar!!" shouts Kid

"Dream on!" says many

"Did they seriously think, They can win?!" ask Bonney

"The three of them are idiots!" says Apoo

"Stop being pussies! " says Luffy


Big Mom gets up from the wreckage in rage....

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