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Hyewon didn't think General Kang believed her at all.

He strokes his mustache-less chin, brows furrowed in deep thought. "So you're saying that the West is planning an attack and to take the prince hostage? And where exactly did you receive this information?"

She hesitates. She was pretty sure he would not like to hear it. "A kitsune informed me yesterday."

"Warrior Cho, you know that yokai are not to be trusted. Especially foxes." The general sighs, massaging his temples

"But sir," she argues. "It can't possibly hurt to have more guards to look after Prince Riki."

General Kang sighs again. "Very well, I will assign more guards, but that does not mean you can slack off. You must be as alert as possible."

She stood up straight and bowed. "Yes, sir."

Hyewon exited the office, rubbing her forehead.

What if Ryuto was wrong? It was a big risk to put faith in his words, it could be a costly price to pay. Maybe she was right. What if the soldiers had planted the information so that the palace would be more defended than the entire kingdom?

To conquer or be conquered. But was the price of war really worth thousands of people's lives?

She was more remorseful about the lives lost than she let on. Hyewon knew frankly that some didn't want the war. Often, the people cannot help but submit to the leader. But that didn't mean that she would not clash arms with them. What had to be done had to be done. She had to put her kingdom first. The only rule was to kill or be killed.

War, after all, is a game where no one could ever truly win.


A week had passed since.

Hyewon had finally memorized the schedule. Eat, accompany the prince to his classes, go to lunch, combat training, dinner. If there were any gaps between each activity, she was supposed to strictly stay next to her charge.

Prince Riki had been unbearable. Intolerable. They fought, exchanged threats, but never went on a full-blown fight since people were always watching. Every time, he had started it. Okay, maybe not every time. But most of them. At this point, Hyewon had to cut her tongue off to prevent herself from retorting insults that would have landed her a few years worth of prison.

As of now, Nishimura was having a combat session with General Kang, who had apparently decided to make a special appearance.

"Good." The general gave the prince a nod of approval at his strike on the dummy. "A few more practices and you'll be a master."

She sniggers. A few? More like a few more years, she thought to herself.

Prince Riki whirls around and scowls at her. Oops. Not. Maybe she snorted too loudly.

General Kang inclined his head towards the archery section. "Let's see how much you improved, Your Highness." he looks at Hyewon. "Do you want to demonstrate, Warrior Cho?"

She shrugs. "Alright, sir."

Hyewon joins them at the archery targets and lifts her weapon into position, which was now a bow instead of a dagger

The prince lifts his eyebrow haughtily. "Where's your quiver, Cho?" he asks smugly.

She ignored him. Instead, she focuses on the red and white target in front of her. Hyewon squints her right eye at the eye of the wooden board and pulls back the string. Immediately, as she expected, a white arrow manifested in place. She aims carefully before letting the arrow fly.

Samurai ↔ Nishimura RikiWhere stories live. Discover now