twenty one

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bye guys hi ladies mWah.

just a smol poll before we get rolling into this

1. action or hyewon and riki fluff or drama

2. happy or sadge ending (already decided for samurai but for future stories i wanna know if yall like to cry and be emotional)

3. when do yall think the scene (yall should know what im talking abt 🙃) happening 

also if you guys would give me inspo or recs, id appreciate it cause nowadays im looking for smth interesting to read.

The first thing Riki saw when he opened his eyes almost knocked him straight out of bed.

When he slowly stirred awake, his eyes flitted open. He yawned tiredly, rubbing at his eyes. Ugh. He hated mornings.

And that was when his eyes landed on her.

Holy cow.

He drank in the sight. She was (undeniably, much to his pride) ethereal laying on top of his blankets, her long lashes were fluttered shut. Her head rested gently on his legs, her mouth letting out the occasional breathy sigh here and there. A peaceful expression was placed on her lips, he assumed she wasn't having a vision as that would certainly affect someone's sleep.

Had she been there the whole night? Memories of the previous night flooded his mind. The prince wanted to bang his head against the wall. Had he seriously asked her to sing for him? Embarrassing.

Riki recalled her singing voice. The shaky, raw voice that hinted at insecurities and vulnerability. The way it rang out those high notes like a bird warbling. (I suck at this poetic stuff, forgive me .) Honestly, he couldn't imagine her being able to sing so passionately, especially with her fiery temper, but life certainly had surprises in store for him.

Shifting slightly onto his left, he debated on whether or not to get up. Should he? Nah, he thought to himself lazily. Better to not wake up Hyewon in the process and face a very, very awkward morning.

How long he laid there, gazing up at the ceiling, he had no clue. His eyes roamed around the room, trying to find something to stare aimlessly at until they flickered to her lips. How soft they looked- Nope, nope, not thinking of it! Red blossomed on his cheeks. He pushed that thought away. He refused to succumb to his impulsive thoughts. Red as a tomato, Riki quickly directed his attention to the wall. He shouldn't think of her that way. What if she wakes up right now and sees him? What if she thinks he's some weird psycho-

The prince tensed, peering down at her face, softening a bit. Maybe it was wrong to admire her face while she was unconscious and unaware, but he couldn't help it. He watched as she twisted slightly in her slumber, occasionally mumbling indecipherable nonsense under her breath. It was amusing to see her like this, Hyewon had quite the duality.

Her body rustled more persistently against the blankets. Shoot. She was starting to wake up. Riki hastily shuts his eyes, pretending he was asleep all along.


An strange, but familiar room greeted Hyewon as she blinked her eyes open.

Wait a minute...this wasn't her room.

Holy sh-

She quickly scrambled out of the bed, backing onto the door. How did she get here? The last thing she recalled was singing. Ah, that explained the throbbing ache in her throat.

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