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Riki was confused when he was summoned into his father's chambers.

"Father, you called for me?" he asks tentatively as he steps into the room.

The emperor rose from his desk. Heaps of papers were piled on his desk. Light spilled into the room from the window, letting the prince get a clear view of his father's wrinkle lines.

The approach of war must be coming to him, he thought to himself as he bowed.


Emperor Hankyu dismisses. He regards his son. "My son, how are lessons going?"

A pause. Prince Riki tenses. "The lessons are going well," he says smoothly, making sure to not reveal any emotion. "Teacher Hwan has been teaching about the first empire for the past few days." he adds hastily.

The emperor lifts his eyebrow. "Yes, your teachers have reported back to me. You've been making some progress in your classes. However, it has come to my attention that you are not making much progress with your gift."


He put one hand up, immediately silencing Riki. "Teacher Bom informed me that you have yet to develop more advanced skills and sometimes, you lose control. Nishimura Riki, what is the meaning of this?"

"It only has been once, Father. And it has only been 2 weeks since we started. My skills are exceptional-"

Riki felt his head jerk violently to one side, a burning sensation left in his cheek. He stares at the emperor in shock.

He had never been slapped before.

His father's voice was deathly quiet. "When will you realize your shortcomings? Perhaps your abilities are exceptional to the common folk. But you, a prince, has gotten one of the best educations and teachers in the kingdom. You should be able to do better than a peasant."

He rubs his temples. "I've been too lenient on you. Did you not think I would not know that you would make up excuses to skip classes? To venture to the garden or leave the palace to meet the nobleman's son, Jungwon?"

"A ruler must always put the kingdom first. A prince studies and trains for years before he becomes one. You have much to learn, Riki, life is not fun and games. You aren't five years old anymore, be mature."

He continues, "And I expect better reports and much more improvement next time around. Do you understand?"

Riki nodded without meeting his gaze and touched his cheek gingerly. The initial burn had faded, but it left a sense of embarrassment and shame.

He should've paid more attention instead of zoning out. He should've studied instead of wandering around the palace. He was a disgrace compared to the previous princes in the history of this kingdom.

Maybe he was incompetent to be the Crown Prince.

"You may be excused."

He hurried out of the room, his face burning up only to come face to face with...

Cho Hyewon.

Their eyes locked together. He scowls internally. Why was she here...?

"Were you eavesdropping?" he demands, pushing aside his chagrin.

A mixture of emotions crossed her face in a flurry. "Bold of you to assume that! I was just passing by-" she cuts herself off when she notices a red area on his cheek. "Er... are you okay?"

Riki was surprised by her question, he had expected her to insult him like they would do on a daily basis. She loathed him after all.

How long has it been since someone asked him that? Was he okay? Probably not.

Samurai ↔ Nishimura RikiWhere stories live. Discover now