twenty seven

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sweet venom ads are literally haunting my spotify rn-

happy 5k 🎉! tysmmm <333

i 100% didnt just whip this up in barely a day or two cause math is consuming my life. also, in that note, life kinda sucks. read a seventeen supernatural fic that got me questioning my life existence

The sun blistered hotly above the two.

Sweat beaded down his forehead. Clash! He ducked under her blow before returning it with one of his own strikes, a taunting smile on his face. "Can you do any better than that, Cho?"

She blocked his swing easily, cocking an eyebrow. "Getting cocky, aren't we? Mind you that I beat you easily the first time we fought and I can easily do that again, with or without magic." Hyewon dodged his hit. "And once I regain full control again, I will easily defeat you with a flick of my hand."

They had been at it for nearly an hour now, practicing and training swordplay. He felt surprisingly more exhausted from it, but seeing Hyewon in her element boosted his strength. With a burst of energy, he charged at her, aiming for her upper right before feinting to the left. Momentarily surprised, Hyewon grunted before quicking overcoming her initial surprise and attacking him with moves of her own.

Each slash and strike came so quickly that Riki imagined they were a blur in the training arena. He pressed harder with each attack, but Hyewon quickly countered all of them. Before he could even blink, she suddenly lunged at him, her body barrelling into his, pinning him on the ground. Then, she smirked in triumph, her sword just a centimeter from grazing his throat. "And I win again," she announces before gingerly standing up, brushing the dust off her attire before offering her hand to help him up. He takes it, but after lifting himself up, he spins Hyewon around, pulling her close enough so that he would be able to peck her forehead.

Rendered speechless, he watches her eyes round with shock before blinking profusely. "Smooth," she managed to say before scowling. "You idiot! What if someone saw us?" she looks behind them before visibly relaxing.

He grins. "Then let them see," he replied mischievously. Pulling her to a small, grassy hill nearby, he flops down on the grass with an oof. Riki pats the spot next to him. "Join me on this wondrous day."

Hyewon rolled her eyes before complying, but her hand snaked towards his, squeezing it tightly as they laid on the grass, the sun shining its rays above them.

He sighed contentedly. It was nice, just bathing in the light of the sun for who knows how long in the quiet silence-

"I'm bored."

"Hm?" He rolled around towards her, propping his head up with one arm. "Yes?" he asks responsively.

His guard/companion/friend/violent, but pretty girlfriend yawned, stretching before sitting up. "There's nothing to do," she complained, shredding blades of grass into small pieces. "We already had lunch and did swordplay, there's nothing interesting or new to do."

"Are you telling me I'm not interesting enough?" he asks in mock offense. "Rejected by my own girl, I see."

She hit his head. "Respectfully shush, You Highness."

Riki harrumphed before lifting his body into a sitting position. "How about we tell some stories?" he asked, "Once upon a time, there was a boy and a girl and they fell in love. When they are of age, they get married and have a happily ever after. Oh, but after one year of their marriage, an earthquake happens and causes the deaths of their entire village. The end."

Hyewon smacked him again. "Not funny," she answered grumpily. "If you're going to tell me a story, at least make it longer and more detailed."

"Fine, uh..." he racked his brain. "I once got into my mother's makeup," he admitted.

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