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Where was that idiot of a prince?

Hyewon had been searching around the palace for an hour now. After (unintentionally) eavesdropping on the conversation between the emperor and his son, Nishimura had discovered her, told her to get out his sight (quite rudely, she might add), and promptly disappeared to who knows what.

She didn't really mean to listen to their conversation. She just happened to walk by while patrolling the halls. Curiosity just got the best of her. After all, curiosity killed the cat.

Huffing in irritation, she walks back to the wing of the palace where the prince's bedroom was, in hopes that he had been there alone. Stupid her forgot to check if he had been there.

Hyewon hesitated before knocking. "Prince Riki?" she calls. When she received no reply, she knocked harder. "If you don't open this door right now, I will not hesitate to kick this door down! Open up! I'm coming in."

To her surprise, the door easily swung open when she turned to the knob. Strange. She peeked her head inside his chamber. "Hello???"

"Yah! This isn't the time to be petty and play hide and seek!" Hyewon rolls her eyes, searching through the room, only to no avail. There was no sign of the prince being here.

"Oh, gods," she muttered. He was actually missing.

Hyewon paced around the room back and forth. She wasn't really worried for him. She was more worried about the emperor and empress' reactions. What if he had been taken hostage by the West?

This time, she'll really kill him. If the enemy didn't do it first.

Stay calm, she told herself. She had to go look for him. It was her duty after all. But what if someone came to the same conclusion and told Their Majesties...?

A plan formulates in her mind. She mumbles, "Yeonjun and Ayeong, I need them!"

She bursts out of the room frantically, searching for them.


Yeonjun leans backward on the armchair. "Why'd you call me?"

Meanwhile, Ayeong takes sneak peeks at him and whispers to Hyewon. "Who is this? He's handsome."

She suppresses a laugh. Now is not the time to laugh, she scolds herself. "Right... Yeonjun, this is Ayeong, Ayeon, this is Yeonjun."

"Pleased to meet you, Milady," Yeonjun gets up and brings Ayeong's hand to his lips, giving it a quick peck, causing her to blush.

Hyewon sighs. "Can we get to the matter at hand?" In a lower tone, she whispers, "The prince is missing, I looked all around the palace for him. He's not here!"

Their eyes widened. "The prince!?!?" Yeonjun whisper-yells, his previous flirty attitude drained.

Ayeong stands up immediately. "We need to tell Their Majesties! Now!" She glances at their surroundings. "Does anyone know yet?"

Hyewon shakes her head. "Not yet. But that might change soon. The West could've kidnapped him right under our noses. I need you guys to cover for me. Yeonjun, guard Prince Riki's empty chamber. If anyone asks, tell them that I told you to take my post. Ayeong, tell the maids that Prince Riki is sick and that you'll take care of him. Got it?"

Instantly, the two nod their heads. "Meanwhile, I will go searching for him. If I don't come back by next morning, alert the court-"

"Hye," Yeonjun interrupts. "It's too dangerous for you to go by yourself. You could get kidnapped as well."

"Plus," Ayeong adds, "how will you find his location? He could be anywhere!"

Hyewon exchanges glances with her best friend. "I'll find him, I have my sources," she states confidently, getting to her feet. "It's my duty. I'll see you guys later. Hopefully."

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