thirty three

302 22 39

help me, i keep changing the notes i have on the plot. sorry for late update, ive been distracted on discord lately and plus, i went skiing for winter break (not fun) 😭 wattpads been so dead lately oml

Morning had come faster than anticipated.

As she felt herself stir into consciousness, Hyewon let out a slight yawn before rubbing her eyes. Was her head laying on something....? She moved her neck from one side to the other and cracked open an eyelid.

Oh, gods.

She stared in shock at the sleeping body of Prince Jake next to her, his head tilted slightly to his left, leaving his right shoulder open. Immediately, her cheeks flared as she realized what she did. Did she really sleep on his shoulder the whole night? She slapped herself mentally. Stupid. What if someone saw them? What if someone reported back to the royals? She cursed herself. Stupid me, sleeping on the shoulder of another when I belong to another-

Riki. Hyewon bolted straight. She had to clear things up with him. Yes, she had to get out of here. Hopefully no one had seen them, after all it had been midnight...

Slowly, not to wake up the prince, she got up, taking one last look at the sleeping Jake. Did he let her sleep on his shoulder? For the sake of her sanity, she hoped that both of them had been simply tired and had fallen asleep at the same time.

Once she exited the library, Hyewon made sure to close the doors as quietly as possible. Then, she made her way to Riki's door.

She paused for a moment. Would Riki be mad to see her? For the first time, she was afraid of how he would see her, especially after all that drama. With trepidation, she summoned the courage to knock lightly three times on the door.

No response. Hyewon waited for another five seconds before slowly turning the doorknob to the chamber.

She stared at the room in shock. The fissure made into the wall was still obviously there, small fragments of the broken ground littered on the ground. But what was different about the room was the shattered glass on the floor. Objects laid there too as if knocked down carelessly. Hyewon cautiously stepped over the sharp objects so she could enter the room unscathed. Her eyes were fixed on the small lump covered in blankets, huddled together on the bed.

When she was close enough, she called out softly, "Riki?" The name drifted from her mouth into the air, a hesitant attempt to bridge what had happened between them.

At first, nothing happened. Hyewon even doubted whether or not the prince was even in the room. Feeling awkward and accepting that now was not the time to initiate a conversation with Riki, she was about to turn around and head back out when she heard faint rustling.

"Hyewon?" a scratchy voice uttered.

She whirled around, only to see a head slowly poking out of the layers of blankets. A pair of eyes emerged and blinked drowsily. "Hyewon?" he repeats slowly. A shudder came over him, making his body spasm and twitch. His eyes shut close and he laid there, shivering, as if fighting an internal conflict with himself.

"Riki!" At that point, she didn't care whether the jagged sharp pieces of glass would pierce her skin, Hyewon ran towards him, ignoring the small sparks of pain shooting up from her feet. She bent down and examined him worriedly. "Riki, what happened? Are you okay?"

At the sound of his name, the said person's eyes flicker back open. He blinked sluggishly. "Oh," he says quietly, "I thought I was hallucinating you for a moment," he murmured, before his eyes fluttered back close. He turned on his side, facing away from her. "You should probably go." he mumbled softly.

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