halloween special

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i tried to make this into an adorable modern interaction as riki and hyewon as couple... i may or may not have failed, im sorry 😭

i didnt have the heart to revise it like i usually do

for those who celebrate it, what are you going to wear. im going as tAdAaaaa a PENCIL. (yes u saw that right u didnt go blind or anything) my friends being a book and shes matching with me and all i gotta do is wear a pencil hat and a yellow sweater.

the things i do for food and my friends *sighs*

"Okay, so let's go over this one more time. Repeat after me."

"Repeat after me."

"No, stupid," Hyewon flicked his forehead. "Repeat what I say."

"What I say."

She sighs. "I."


"Will not."

"Will not."

"Terrorize little kids."

"Terrorize little kids."



"Steal all the candy."

"Steal all the candy..."

"From the candy bowl."

"From the candy bowl."



"Leave behind only Twizzlers," she finished.

"Leave behind only Twizzlers." Riki repeated before pouting. "Wait, why not?" he whined.

"Because," she said, slow and steady, so her boyfriend's small brain could comprehend, "we're seventeen? (SEVENTEEN RIGHT HEREEE) Hello? We're teenagers. We're old now. We're too old to go trick or treating, you dimwit."

Her boyfriend pouts. "You can never get too old from getting free candy," he argues.

"Says the person who wanted to wear matching costumes with the mentality of a five year old. You're lucky that you have such a nice girlfriend who agreed to this, at the very least." Hyewon picked at her Harry Potter costume, which was the only costume she approved of to not make a fool of herself. She sighs again. "Why do I like you again?"

He winks flirtatiously. "Because you fell for my devilishly handsome charms."

She snorts. "More like foolishly clumsy charms." she corrected.

"Heyy, I found some good couple costumes online, okay? Not my problem, you refuse to see them."

"Because they're old and hideous, Ni-Ki." she pointed it out. "I rather save my pride than wear the PB&J costume you showed me last week."

He huffed. "I want the whole world to know that this loud, bossy girl is my girlfriend," he ruffled her hair affectionately, a gesture that she secretly liked whenever he did it. "You're mine and taken and-"

She rolled her eyes and elbowed him hard in the gut. "And this loud, bossy girlfriend can and will punch you if you continue with that sentence." she threatens, raising an eyebrow, daring for him to challenge, which immediately makes him shut up. Hyewon rubs her temples. "And for the love of God, Riki, please don't embarrass us with your impersonation of Michael Jackson-"

"Oh, yeah! Hey, look at my wicked moonwalk!"

It was going to be a long day.

They were walking aimlessly through the neighborhood with little to none candy (to her boyfriend's dismay) in their bags. Kids in various costumes patrolled around the area, carrying orange jack o' lanterns baskets filled with candy. And of course, there was no one around their age, only small, cute primary school children.

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