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•Parchment magic•
'mental link'
*Other magical being's language*

I would like to say that all characters and places belong to their rightful owner - Dobby the free elf.

The same goes for any pictures I either got from Google or Pinterest.

I only claim my original characters and the storyline in this.

Anyway on to the story.

Also, side note how was writing able to give me the inspiration for Red Eyes Love Thick Thighs, make it make sense, please.


Harry's POV -

My birthday is in a matter of minutes and I will be turning 11 but I didn't expect anything, especially from the trio that found amusement in abusing me. I knew I was short for my age but I had been in a cupboard for as long as I could remember, and I stopped talking years ago.

Flashback -
Third Person POV -

A boy only age 6 sat in the cupboard waiting for the adult to call him do to more chores, as soon as he was older to school Petunia and Vernon Dudley thought the child was old enough to do all the chores in the house. They would beat him if he had so much as burnt food, causing the young boy to learn to not burn anything.

Neighbours had heard the child crying and screaming but would carry in with their days, almost desensitized to the sound of screaming. Everyone had known Harry to be a weird child or a freak as he was called by his family but no one said anything about it.

Warning - mentions of abuse if you don't want to read skip to the next bold font and a summary will be there -

One day while Harry was tending to Petunia's plants, when he heard shouting in the house. Knowing that only bad things came from any of them shouting, the boy sprinted into the house unfortunately Harry ran into the whale known as Vernon Dursley Harry's uncle.

"Freak why is the food not prepared" but before Harry could respond he was punched in the face, causing a sickening crack to be heard. Harry began sobbing as the pain registered in his head, Vernon still not letting the boy explain carried on punching Harry until he was out of breath.

Harry thought that was it but how wrong he was as when Harry opened his eye that wasn't swollen shut he saw Dudley walking over with a wicked grin, which made the poor boy whimper "daddy I want a turn to hurt him, he's been cheating using my work and getting me in trouble" this seemed to set both adults off.

Petunia seemed to be the one to jump into action and started whipping the boy, with each hit saying another word. Harry only felt numb as was wishing the pain would end soon, realizing that Harry had gone quiet Vernon turned on the stove to the highest heat then picked up Harry and held his hand on the fire until Harry blacked out from the pain.

Sneering at the boy "freak" was all that was said as Vernon threw Harry into the cupboard, Vernon then turned to his son who was also a baby whale said "when he wakes up you can have a turn and hurt him all you want" this made Dudley happy.

For the next 2 hours, Dudley had been checking in on Harry to see if Harry had woken up, but was becoming increasingly bored as Harry showed no signs of waking. That was until the baby whale heard movement, Dudley didn't wait he had gotten up and dragged Harry from the cupboard and took him to his second room. Dudley had begun beating Harry any way he could.

The baby whale had used all his strength to get Harry and by the time Dudley was done, Harry had a bruised torso, broken wrist, fractured leg, burnt hands and a concussion. But before Harry could pass out Dudley began strangling Harry "this is what you get each time you talk I will hurt you" now Harry already knew that talking out of turn would get him a punishment.

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