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•Parchment magic•
'mental link'
*Other magical being's language*


Three Days Later ~

Hadeon's POV ~

The last three days have been uneventful to say the least, Anu has been worrying about me, apparently, I had been asleep for the past two and when I woke up the first thing I did was read. I didn't want to be far behind as others and I didn't want to be seen as a slacker I was accepted into the school but I would still have to earn my way.

I could tell that Anu has been worried but she has been teaching me what she could mainly due to the potions I now had to take but I was still thankful for it, I had also been writing letters to Draco who I felt I had a connection to but I didn't know why or how. I sometimes felt like I could hear him in my head but I put that down to everything that's happened.

I was also sent a few books by Mr Malfoy in his letter he said that these were the best book for those who were muggleborn and raised. I was so grateful for his gesture and I made sure he was aware when I wrote back. It also made me happy as I didn't want to offend anyone and these books talked about how to show proper respect.

Soon I heard a hoot and saw that it was Hedwig, I saw the name in one of the curriculum books and it struck a chord with me. She seemed to like it which made me happy, though once I named her it was weird as she then nipped my finger making me bleed but then told me she was one of my familiars.

I had no idea what that was, to which Hedwig explained it was an animal more than a pet. Imagine my confusion as I never identified her as a pet, that filled her with a sense of pride which in turn made me happy. This also meant that I could speak to her the same way I did with Anu and Dusa.

I was getting lost in my books once again when Anu called through our link. 'Hades you need to eat as you have to take your healing potions soon' I was so out of it but I didn't want to leave my book 'can I please have a few more minutes' I heard as she laughed through the link then there was a knock on the door it made me jump but I took a deep breath reminding myself I'm not at the Dursley's house.

And that was another thing Anu had started to call me Hades, and I have to say I much prefer it to Harry. It felt more like me and not what people wanted to push on me, that and when I think of Harry I think of the Dursley's and what they put me through. However, in the same sentence it seemed like everyone outside of this place wanted to call me Harry and I don't know how I feel.

In walked Anu with a smile on her face and a creature behind her, I tilted my head looking between the creature and Anu "aww I had forgotten Hades this is Nini she is a house elf they take care of the chores and cooking" wait did that mean she was gonna get rid of me.

As if she read my thoughts Anu looked at me sadly "Hades whatever those mundanes did to you will not happen here I plan to give you a childhood" I nodded but I still felt like I needed to help in the house to earn my keep, Anu said nothing then turned to the house elf "Nini can you please go and fetch Hadeon some toast and soup as well as his medicine and healing potions" Nini nodded and with a pop she left the room and was back with another pop.

~Hatchling you mussst eat pleassse~ Dusa popped her head up and looked at me and when I looked around the room I saw the worry on all their faces 'okay I will eat' Anu smiled at me and then I heard Hedwig hoot. It was only once I smelt the food that I realised I was hungry but felt sick since I had grown used to not being fed such big meals.

So once I was full I stopped eating, I saw the sadness flash in Anu's eyes and she smiled at me sadly. I went to pick up the spoon but was stopped "I'm sad but I don't want you to feel forced, eat what you can if you're full then that's fine" I nodded and put the spoon back down.

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