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One day later ~
Anuska PoV ~

if anyone thinks I left this ward while my son was still unconscious then they thought wrong, I sat by him and wouldn't let many enter unless they themselves were injured. Only a select few were allowed by me, and this was only done after Draco gave me his approval as well however, there was one that I couldn't stand and that was the youngest Weasley he got on my nerves. That was until I met the only girl sibling and she pushed my buttons.

She had it in her head that she was going to marry my child but that was not going to happen, it took everything in me to not kill her. I was so lost on the days that I almost forgot that I had to be at wizengamot, I needed to leave but I didn't want be away from my child. Soon Draco and Severus walked in and I smiled "I have to go to wizengamot there's things that I need to sort out" they nodded at me.

"I want you to take my seat as proxy" said Severus I was confused as I didn't know what house he was a part of, with a wave of his wand a piece of parchment appeared in front of us. After reading it I gasped not believing it he's part of a noble house, he looked at me and I saw that there was hesitation in his face "Severus I want you to be sure about this" he stopped for a moment before nodding his head.

I looked at my son and as much as I trusted Severus I didn't want to leave and my son woke up without me there as if seeing my thought which is possible with Severus he said "go we will protect him and I will send a patronus if wakes up" this eased me a bit more but I still didn't want to leave him, eventually I apparated into the Ministry I was annoyed and my magic was lashing out making many move out of my way, eventually I reached where thing were being held and I was told to wait outside the doors.

Not saying anything I went and sat in the chair, already wanting to get back to my son. Then I heard my name being called.

Third Person's PoV ~

All became quiet as they watched the woman who was hardly seen enter the room and sat in a chair, that was sat in front of the four founders' seat "I am Anushka Rehema Dark, pureblood and Lady of the Ancient and Noble House Dark I am here to take my seat for House Dark and Ravenclaw and act as a proxy for other houses." This caused whispers to go through the room as many dark wizards and witches tried to figure out who the lady was talking about. The minister wanting the ordeal to be over allowed Anushka to continue.

"The house I will be acting as proxy for are the Potter Line, Peverell Line, Gryffindor Line, Hufflepuff Line, Black Line, Merlin Line and the Slytherin Line through my adopted son Hadeon James Potter-Black or as he is better known Harry Potter" she said with power in her voice. For the Light side, this was outrageous the saviour was with a dark witch and the Dark side felt overjoyed to finally have some power, but they were all stopped once they realised that the witch hadn't finished speaking "I will also be acting as proxy for Severus Tobias Snape who is from the noble house Prince" there were gasps from the Dark side as many did not know of this.

And like that, the whole room was arguing over each other, but it all stopped when a certain grey-bearded man walked into the room causing all the shouting to stop. Anushka rolled her eyes seeing the man her magic lashing out wanting him to hurt "Now Lady Dark I and I'm sure many of those in this room would like to know why the Saviour of the wizarding world is with you" There was nodding from those that agreed with Dumbledore, Anushka raised an eyebrow at the show he was trying to put on.

Standing from her seat Anushka only looked at the minister who was waiting for her to answer but it was one they didn't get as Anushka said "my first request is to ask for a retrial of Sirius Orion Black as I have documents from Gringotts saying that he's an innocent man" there was silence through the room before arguments broke out, the minister was finally able to gain control of the many people but then turned to the reason of the chaos. "Ms Dark I would like an answer to the first question then we can look at this document you have"

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