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Continuing from the last chapter

Anushka's PoV ~

Wait they do not mean that prophecy, I couldn't help it and I started laughing and this was too much. it took a while for me to calm down eventually but I did and I saw many were looking at me with confusion "what do you find so funny" and there she was the annoying toad "I just think it funny that you all place you hope on a baby because of a prophecy from a fake seer might I add" I knew of the prophecy but chose to ignore it as should've of Riddle but no that stupid man so crazy for power went after a baby and did something stupid.

"I know of the prophecy 'The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives. The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies.' but you all also realise that Neville could also be the said child of this fake prophecy as he was also born around that time and his parents were also Aurors I swear it is like none of you have common sense."

This meeting felt like it went on way too long I looked to the minister "This has gone on long enough my son needs me and I will be leaving but I will be taking Sirius Black with me" This made the pink toad speak up once again and I just wanted to throw some spell at her "you will do no such thing he is still guilty of the deaths of peter and the twelve muggles" I rolled my eyes.

"Your voice is so annoying I swear. So I will say this in a way I hope you will understand Peter is alive and in his animagus form somewhere, Peter killed those muggles to escape Sirius as he knew he would lose what you need to be doing is looking for a rat with a missing toe." Many chuckled at my first sentence, but this made whatever her name was red in the face and was finding it hard to control herself.

Amelia then stepped forward "Sirius Orion Black III, you will be found innocent of all crimes once Peter Pettigrew is found but you will be with Anushka Dark while you recover from the effects of Azkaban. I, Amelia Bones apologise for everything you went through and House Black will be repaid for each year you have stayed in prison as an innocent man, I will not be asking those in favour as Lady Dark and the houses she acts as a proxy for outweigh many of you" Amelia then looked at me and bowed before going back to her seat, Minister Fudge was looking around like the wuss he is before asking if there is anything else anyone wanted to say.

I was surprised to see Lucius Malfoy stand up "House Malfoy would like to be allied with House Dark" the toad was outraged at this but knew she couldn't do anything about it, Minister Fudge looked at me "are there any other houses that would like this as well" I wasn't surprised to see Augusta, Amelia, Sirius raise their hands but I was shocked with the few I don't know "May I please ask that those who haven't spoken and I don't know to say their houses" the first to speak was a older woman "I am lady Griselda Marchbanks of House Marchbanks, my house is neutral as am I" I nodded then the next was a man who was familiar "I am Amos Diggory of House Diggory, we are a light family" the final was an older wizard "I am Tiberius Ogden of House Ogden, my house is also neutral" I nodded at them all.

"I, Lady Anushka Rehema Dark accept these request and will be allied with the houses Black, Malfoy, Longbottom, Bones, Marchbanks, Diggory and Ogden from this day forward so I say so more be it" then one by one I watched as they each repeated the same for me. We then raised our wands into the air for lady magic to see, once this was done I then saw a patronus "Lady Dark there's nothing wrong with your son he's a lot better I think he will wake later" Severus' voice sounded from the deer.

I smiled happy that my son is okay and that I wasn't there when he woke, many looked at me "before you ask me what happened. Don't." Some of the light side gasped in outrage and the dark side laughed "you put all you hope on a child, then you all failed him if he tells me he doesn't want to be the saviour then I will not force him" and with that I left with Sirius.

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