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•Parchment magic•
'mental link'
*Other magical being's language*


Recap ~~

Anushka's PoV ~

I then sent a patronus to Severus as I wanted to talk to him and for him to officially become my sons godfather. So I picked up my son and left the wing not paying any attention to the man behind me.

Now ~~

Severus' PoV ~

I was sitting just waiting for Hadeon to be sent or for me to receive a floo call asking to collect him, but imagine my surprise when I got a patronus from Anu asking for me to to meet her and Hadeon. I was a bit confused but from the time of her voice I knew something was done to annoy the powerful witch, actually I wonder if I could ask if she knew any spells to help my Lord.

As I came out of my thoughts Abc got up to go and meet then both, I saw someone repeating from my shadow from the corner of my eye. I couldn't even feel fear as my room was taken over in a power so strong that I couldn't breathe, I was able to raise my head and saw Anu "what happened to anger you to this point" the look in her eyes told me that it was the headmaster.

"You wanted to talk to me Anu, was there something you wanted from me" she nodded then I saw her put on a ring and soon I was able to stand "You have limiters" she looked at me "I have many, but I wanted to speak about you being his godfather again. Before you say anything you've done right by him by protecting him and Hadeon told me how you helped when he had that meeting with the church old goat" I looked at head after she said that.

I saw that he was smiling at me "if this is what you want Hadeon, then I accept but I want you to be sure" I said to him and he smiled "I want you to be family as well" he spoke and I could see that this caused him pain but I nodded at him. I looked at Anu who looked triumphant at the fact that I finally agreed.

It didn't take long to get to gringotts with both Anu and I apparating, I looked over at Hades who looked a little dizzy "It does get better, I know it can be off putting the first few times" he leaned into Anu and smiled up at me. We all walked up the steps both Anu and Hades did a deep bow to the guards and I bow my head at them, I could see a hint of shock at me bowing but they bowed back. When we entered Anu walked over to a goblin and waited.

When the goblin looked at Anu, the goblin smiled "Lady Dark, it is good to see you again and that must be Hadeon" the goblin said as he looked down at Hadeon. Anu giggles and nods then asked if the goblins names Griphook and Ragnook were available, the goblin nodded and the hopped off their chair and left. I went to ask Anu something but was stopped when a goblin had cleared its throat got our attention "they are both available to see you."

Smiling at the goblin Anu then walked as if she knew where she was going, and I could imagine she did, many had heard that Anushka Dark was named friend of the goblin nation but not many believed it. I was one of them, for the reason that we as wizards no matter how in tune we are, we have failed the magical creatures of this world too many times and only a select few could show that just maybe there was hope for us. And while I say a select few only one name comes to mind, well I should say two and that is Newt Scaramander and Anushka Dark.

Soon we reached this grand door covered in gold and jewels, this made me aware that it belong to the head of the goblin nation. I stopped in my tracks as I didn't deserve to be here both Anushka and Hadeon realised that I stopped and turned to look at me "Anu I don't deserve to enter that room" she smiled at me and walked over to me. "You deserve more than you know Sev" I was shocked but didn't move.

Hadeon's PoV ~

I was happy to be back at the bank it was my first experience of being magical and not feeling like I didn't belong, and I got to see Griphook and Ragnook they both looked scary but they felt like family. I was upset when I saw that professor Snape had stopped walking but I saw sadness in his face, mum spoke to him but I saw that he obviously didn't believe it so I sent some of my magic. I saw that he relaxed at that. Since I saw his scars I stopped using my magic to hide them.

Doing this made me feel stronger, I felt like I was better and I didn't feel scared of what my friends would think. When Draco first saw me in the medical wing after I finally stopped hiding my scars, he asked me for the name of my aunt and uncle but I laughed and didn't tell him.

When we all enter the room I used the parchment the goblins gave me and made sure to bow at them, • well met, leader of the goblins Ragnook and vault manager Griphook. It is good to see you again • they both smiled their toothy grin after reading what I had written. "Well met heir Potter, lady Dark and Lord Prince to what do we owe this visit" Ragnook said as he looked at each of us.

I smiled as I looked at professor Snape's face, it seemed as though he was shocked to be referred to as Prince. I was confused as well but I knew the goblins always had a reason for the things they said "I would like for Hadeon to take his titles and I would like for my son and Severus to perform a godfather bond" mother said. I was now confused as I didn't know what titles she could possibly be talking about.

However, I was excited for the professor to become my godfather but, when I looked at his face I felt sad •do you not want to be my godfather• he snapped to look at me and he had a look in his eyes but I couldn't tell what it was. "Hadeon it would bring me great joy but I don't think I deserve such a thing" I heard the goblins groan.

"Lord Prince, you did wrong but this was a request of both Lily and James, you deserve more than you know" Griphook said I then turned to look at the Professor •I already see you as family, and I don't care about what happened before• he smiled at me then nodded "only if you are certain Hades" I smiled and nodded.

I looked back over at the goblins to see them smirking making me looked at mother who was laughing "you knew he would agree that's why you have everything needed" Ragnook shrugged his shoulders and said nothing. Griphook then walked over to us and held his hand out for me, without hesitation I placed my hand in his and he cut it but I didn't feel the pain then he moved to do the same to Professor Snape.

"I am sure you know the oath Severus Prince" and at this he nodded then recited the same words that both uncle Siri and Moony said but this time it was different. "With Lady Magic as my witness I Severus Tobias Snape-Prince, swear on my magic and my life promise to protect, care, and nurture Hadeon James Potter-Black. No harm shall come to him by my hand or will I allow any hand to harm him in my presence until my last breath, I also make the promise that my magic will never harm him so I say, so mote be it."

As he said this I felt his magic reach out to me and I accepted it wholeheartedly, I was so happy then Griphook and put our hands together. It felt a bit weird but I let them do what they needed while he held my hand he then did a spell that created a light and it shined a beautiful golden colour "that it wonderful it means Lady Magic has heard and accepted your oath" I smiled then our hands parted.

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