Chapter 4

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Already four months have passed since that night. Everything has changed and yet nothing has happened. These months I haven't talked much with Beatrice. I want to think that I am just disappointed that she forgave Zach for hitting her. Or I was mad because she chosen him, she chose to forgive him. Sins then every night she slipped a note under the door. Sometimes is a poem other times is a quote from a book. But we never talked about it. It was our thing. She was leaving me notes in e evening, I was making her coffee in the morning.
In this time I've took care of the house. I didn't know that we were so much in debt. I spent half of what I had inherited from my father just too pay everything. I started keeping this house up. My mother couldn't handle it anymore. She was already working too much. At my father low firm. Now it was mine. But I was working just as a stagier Because I didn't have a degree yet. My mother being the CEO, she was to busy to handle work and her new husband to see all I was doing. In the morning taking Classes at college, after work at the firm till evening. I go to gym. Then home so a can rest. But how can I sleep when Beatrice's moanings were filling my ears and driving me insane. Some nights louder than the others. And all I could think of was how much better I could fuck her. I started hateing myself for these thoughts. She was my sister. And yet she was making me mad.

It was Saturday, finally a day off for me. I dressed with the slutiest bikini a had in my closet and went down to the pool for a swim.
The water was worm dripping down my body. Letting me floating on clearing my thoughts. I fell my my body burning for some reason. I turn my eyes to Beatrice windows. She was there staring at me. When she saw me watching her she didn't even flinch.
- You know it is not proper to stear? I yealed so she came hear me.
- I wasn't stearing...
- Come dawn, the water is amazing.
- It's not a good idea...
- Why?
- I don't know how to swim.
- Now you really need to get here, I'm solving this problem.
- No, I'm good. She smirked at me...
- Don't Make Me come up there!
- You won't dare!
- Seriosly? I said laughing my ass off

I went running to her room. She started laughing like crazy.
- Don't touch me you're wet...
- Come give you big sis a hug!
- O bloody hell, don't come closer Ophelia!
- Watch me...
I started chasing her through the house, laughing and teasing each other like we were toddlers. She was standing by the open door looking for me when I came from nowhere and lift her on my shoulder. She struggled wild.
- Let me down, I'm heavy.
- Are you kidding? You're like a father!
- What the actual fuck? She yelled when we entered the pool more deeper into.
- I'm getting you into water!
- Get me out!
- Calm down. Beatrice I'm going to let you down.
- No! No! Don't you dare!
- Then wrap your legs around my waist.
- Don't let me go down!
- The water is not even that deep.
- Don Ophelia just don't.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. Our bodies sticking together. For a moment I closed my eyes just to breathe in her cherry parfume. Her skin was so soft. I opened my eyes just to find her looking at me. In my eyes and after down to my lips. Our faces were so close that I could feel her breath on my cheek. I think we were standing there for some time. I was just in a trance and so was she. Time just stopped at our feet. The wind wasn't blowing, the birds weren't singing. Something just stopped.

  I wanted to believe that there right there everything started. My sickness started when I saw her eyes shine more than the sun. Now I guess I know why the sun loved the moon so much that he died every night just to let her breathe. Was she my moon or another star in the sky? I needed to find an answer to this question. So I started to lean in and she did the same and yet we didn't moved. We flinched when the sound of steps were heard in the silence.
- What the actual fuck are you doing here? My mother yelled at us and our eyes went wide.
- We just...
- I don't want to hear anything, come inside! Now! Just you Ophelia!

I take out Beatrice of the pool. Letting her in the garden.  I followed my mother in the house. She close the door to the office room after a entered. Before I could say something she slapped me across my face. And my body started shaking and waves of anger filled me up.
- I won't allow you to ruin my happiness.
- What the fuck is wrong with you?
- What if he'd father was the one who came early and see you like that? What he would've said?
- I don't give a fuck, we weren't doing anything.
- You better be not! Because I don't want to be alone again because my daughter is fucking har stepsister.
- I am not!
- Christian is the man of the house now, he keeps this house standing.
- Are you joking?
- He paid our mortgage...
- I paid it mother. I paid everything. Not him. These four months I keep this house standing. With my money. No one except Beatrice even once buy groceries for this house and yet everyone eats.
- So you want money?
- I want you to mind you own business.
- It could've been better if you had never returned. It was so much better without you!
- You don't mean that!
- I do!
- All these years I've blamed myself for not being a better daughter to you just to find out you were the problem.
- You won't get any closer to that girl!n
- This is my problem, not yours!

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