Chapter 8

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I woke up as usually at 06:00 am. For the first time in a while my head hurts so fucking bad. I usually don't have hangovers. I turn to see a read head in my bed. I shake my head to remember her name but it was a horrible decision because it made my head hurts worse.

I got up and went to the closet to get some clothes to put on and got to the bathroom. I took a quick cold shower so I can get myself together. I brush my teeth and do my skincare routine. The shower helped a bit but my head still hurts like hell. I went back into the room and open a drawer to look for some Advil. I took a pill and swallowed it with some water I found in a glass on my nightstand.
I turn to look through my room. It was a mess. My room is never a mess. I open the windows and start picking all the clothes who were everywhere speed through the room. Amazing! Her bra is on top of the bookshelf.
After I cleaned the room a got closer to the girl. Fuck she was hot. I took a closer look and remembered her name. It was Anastasia. I put a hand on her shoulder and shake a bit so she can wake up. She open her eyes and look at me. She tried to understand where she is.
- Anastasia are you good?
- I did it again didn't I?
- Did what?
- Got drunk and hooked up...
- Kinda, yes!
- Fuck!
- Do you remember my name?
- Am, Ophelia?
- Good, you're good! Look a have to go to my morning run so...
- Ooow now is the part where you say. It was a mistake, you should leave Anastasia it was nice having sex wit you...
- What?
- It happens every time...
- No, Anastasia I'm not telling you to leave. I wanted to ask you if you want something from the store when I'll come back. Of course if you are still here...
- Ow...
- So?
- A black large coffee sounds good.
- Ok! You can take a shower if you want, you can take clothes from my closet so you can change don't worry.
- Thank you so much!
- Ow and if you hear screams or anithing, I swear I didn't kidnap anyone is just my stepsister. She had her best friend last night here and if you need anything she is after the door you see when you open this door.
- Omg, we fucked like that next to your stepsister and her best friend? Poor girls.
- Ow she definitely deserved it!
- What?
- Look I got to go now it getting late.
- Ok!

... 07:45 ... a.m.

- Im back! Ophelia says as she open the door revealing a stand with four cups. She hands one to Anastasia and put another on the nightstand next to her.
- And the others?
- It's for the girls. I should go and give it to them.
- You know what coffee they like?
- Of course, I always get them coffee.
- That's very sweet of you...
- Thank you!

I get up and left the room and open slowly the door to Beatrice's room. She and Olivia were sleeping like babies. I put the coffee cups on the desk and got closer to Beatrice. I took a strand of hair and tucked it behind her ear.
I got closer to her ear breathing in her sense and whisper softly.
- Beatrice, wake up. I brought you coffee!
I see Olivia turning around to face me and starts smiling at the view before her eyes.
- She won't wake up so easily...
- Well she chose the hard way.
- I take the hands and you take the legs. She said with a big smile.
- Don't tell me twice!

We grab Beatrice and start rocking her from side to side listening to her start to scream and struggle from our grip. We throw her back onto the bed. We laughed so hard but suddenly stopped when I heard Beat groan in pain. My eyes went wide as a got closer to her to see if she was ok...
- Beatrice are you ok? I'm so sorry!
I feel her hands grabbing me by the waist and turning me under her as she starts laughing.
- Fuck, you scared me! I say as I hit her arm and pushing her of me.
- You should have seen your face!
I turn my face to the door to see Anastasia watching us from the doorstep with a cold stone face. I got up and got closer to her trying to get myself together before saying.
- Girls this is Anastasia! Antastasia this is my stepsister Beatrice and her friend Olivia.
- Am, nice meeting you Beatrice. Long time no see Oly!
- You to know each other?
- Yes Anastasia said.
- No! Olivia said at the same time with Anastasia.
- Ok this is weird...
- No it's not. It's just Oly that needs to grow up!

She said as she cup my face and kiss me tenderly. She look into my eyes and starts smiling. She grab my waist tight with her hands pulling me closer to her.
- I'm hungry, didn't you?
- I'm starving!
- Les't eat something then!
- Ok!
I take her hand and lead her to the kitchen with a big smile on our faces. After I make sure we're alone a puss her away from me.
- Tell me what's the catch with you and Olivia?
- Nothing!
- Don't lie to me! I know when someone tries to make another jealous.
- We know for a couple of years. Don't judge me but we loved each other very much. Until a year ago she left me for absolutely no idea. I tried to talk to her but she just ignored me. So I tried to move on. I had no idea that you knew her and that she was here...
- But you kissed me there to make her jealous!
- Yes!
- Well now I know why she don't want to date Antony!
- I'm sorry Ophelia you are a wonderful woman but...
- I'm not mad! After all I was playing the same card as you!
- Fuck! Don't tell me you're into your...
- I didn't judged you, so you should do the same.
- How did we found each other so fucked up?
- I guess it's faith...

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