chapter 5 - Forgive and Forget

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Her momma had picked her up early. Before that we was just silent. I went up to my room and I went straight to sleep. Sleeping is deadass a mf hobby.


Kayiara Pov :

My momma had picked me up early. I guess her lil job let her. She looked at me in the rear view mirror and smiled.

"So how has it been over there ? Was everything okay? Did you become friends with Azaiira?"
She asked me.

"Yes, it was okay and no. Just because I see every b- I mean girl that come around don't mean imma be their lil friend."
I said to her, and I know she could tell I was pissed because my change of tone. She doesn't even know Azariia was the one I fought with.

She just nodded.
"Okay, sweetheart."
She told me and I just looked out the window.

After that , we made it home ..I went straight home and went to bed.

Next morning, I was at school with my friend group . I peeked at Azaiira who was at the end of the halls, leaning against the lockers with her friend group and ha bf. She caught me looking and I rolled df outta my eyes at her.

I looked away and I headed to my class as my lil friens went separate directions.

I sat down in the back , and the bell had rung untill 4 minutes later.

I saw Azaiira and I looked down at my bag, getting out my shit for class I needed to work on, Azaiira made her way in the back n sat infront of me.

"Tch.." I mumbled.

I remembered I had to continue going to her house at night for a few days, I shook my head aggravated.

Later on, the teacher interrupted the class as we all stopped working .

"Alright everyone, so. There's a project you all need to work on, you have to write an essay of what it will be about.., but with partners. So pick your partners now." She told us.

I looked around as everybody started to get up. Ian see any friends I had in my class. I just stood there n looked around.

I went to this one girl and waved and she just looked at me sayin... "I already got a partner, move df away." She said.

I ain't have time for allat, I was finna cuss her out. But if I get suspended or detention or any shit like dat, that will be my ass.

I make my way back over to my seat and saw Azaiira. She ain't have no partner suprisingly, her friend that sat next to her didn't wanna be partners with her. Her friend was literally simpin ova a nigga and partnered with him.

Azaiira looked at me and I looked at her.

"Alright..does anyone not have a partner?"

Me and Azaiira faced the teacher and raised our hands at the same time.

"Alright, yall are partners then since yall the last two."
She told us.

I already knew that ws finna happen. I groaned and I took my seat, and Azaiira took her seat infront of me. The project was due soon, so I guess staying at her house isn't so bad..only if I get a A.

Later after that, the class ended and I got up putting my stuff in my bag, and walked passed Azaiira, as I eye side her.

I left out to go outside at the tables we sat down at last time. I saw Jayla already there and I waved with a smile. Jayla is my best friend but I don't know if I can trust to tell her what happend. But I DID anyways. I need to trust my own friend just like how she trusts me.

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