Chapter 11

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Ana Kravinoff was astounded and outraged at the recent insinuation by the Apex Spider, aka Victor or whoever he was.

"You... dare claim that you are not only my child... but that your father is that wretched spider." Ana said seething with rage as her grip on the handle of her knife intensified.

"It is the truth." Victor pressed on sending Ana over the edge.

"SILENCE!" She shouted throwing the knife in her hand directly towards him.

Victors spider sense activated and he easily evaded the oncoming knife, stepping to the side as the knife whizzed passed by him and embedding itself into the ground just behind him.

In the moment she threw the knife Ana rose from her seat and pulled a large dagger out that she had concealed behind her back and began to charge forward.

Turning back to face his mother Victor readied himself to fight her, but he needed to be careful and hold back from how he would normally fight as to ensure he didn't accidentally kill her and thus erasing himself.

Ana raced forward, knife in hand and reared back to slash at Victor. Thrusting forward in a downward strike Ana missed hitting his chest as Victor once again evaded her attack, moving to the side and grabbing her extended arm and throwing her a little distance away using her own momentum to cause her to stumble slightly.

Ana caught herself before she could fall over and quickly turned on her heels to face Victor once more, the look in her eyes was fierce as her anger had boiled over and now she was out for blood.

Taking her stance across from him Ana prepared to launch another attack falling back in her training to deal with not just a fellow hunter... but a spider also.

This Apex Spider would prove to be a rather unique opponent, combining both a hunters mindset and lifestyle with the power and the superhuman abilities that came from her most annoying and cunning adversary.

Ana strode forward slashing and striking hoping to hit her target but her opponent was a step ahead of her at every turn.

'The spider was able to anticipate attacks even with the element of surprise, perhaps he has that same ability.' Ana thought trying to formulate a plan of attack to catch him off guard.

Whilst thinking of a way to catch him off guard and gain the advantage, Ana had misstepped and left herself vulnerable for attack which Victor took the initiative and launched a high kick.

Ana was barely able to block the kick in time but the force of the blow caused her to fall to the ground, she tried to recover quickly and hit herself back on her knees but when she looked up Victor was stood in front of her, palm extended towards her face and from his wrist a stinger emerged and stopped inches from her face.

'A... concealed weapon? In his wrists?' Ana thought in disbelief. 'Did... did the spider have the same power? Or was this his own doing?' She continued to ponder.

Bringing her mind back to the fight Ana used her knife to swipe the weapon out of her face, then proceeded to roll backwards to gain some distance whilst also allowing her to get back up to a standing position.

Victor stood patiently as he watched his mother move around and stand back up for another assault, an unreadable look on his face not showing any excitement or thrill of being in combat nor any sign of anger. Just a pensive expression that seemed reflect his disinterest in their bout.

Ana had circled round trying to find any opening she could capitalise on but found none, her foot brushed against something which clanked along the ground. Looking down she saw the knife she threw earlier and crouched to pick it up hoping that the extra blade would give her a little advantage.

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