1. Innocent Infatuations

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The school bell rang, jolting me into action, I found myself rushing through the familiar corridors of my school. The white walls adorned with blue lines gave it a serene ambiance, exuding a vibe that reminded me of Mother Teresa's compassionate presence. Our school was square-shaped, and each classroom had two windows, letting in streams of sunlight that brightened up our learning space. Today, I was running late, hoping beyond hope that our teacher hadn't arrived yet. My classroom was conveniently situated at the far end of the school, which meant I had to navigate through a maze of other rooms to reach it.

As I hurriedly made my way to class, the sound of prayers filled the air, signalling that the day had officially begun. But something caught my eye, making me slow down involuntarily. There, in the 9th-grade classroom, stood a new girl, a stranger amidst the familiar faces.

I had been a part of this school since the 5th standard, and I knew most of the students, even though I wasn't exactly the popular type. My childhood friend and next-door neighbour, Andy, was in the 9th grade, so I had a good idea about the girls in that class. I always enjoyed listening to Andy's amusing gossip about her classmates and how she found them all so difficult to deal with. But today, this new girl had my full attention.

Her presence captivated my heart at first glance. With her brownish hair cascading gracefully, her fair complexion glowing, and her big round eyes enhanced by mascara, she exuded a mesmerizing aura. Her soft, light-pink lips added a touch of elegance to her whole demeanour. She seemed to be the embodiment of grace and beauty, standing tall with an elegant poise. In every sense, she was perfect. The usual cliché when the hero sees the heroine for the first time.

I reluctantly tore my gaze away from her enchanting sight. As much as I wanted to keep staring, I couldn't afford to be any later for class. The minutes were slipping away, and I dashed ahead, trying to catch up with the ongoing prayers. My heart was still racing from that brief encounter, and I couldn't shake off the image of her from my mind. Who was she?

Finally, I reached my classroom, relieved to find my classmates already there engaged in laughter and merriment. Standing at the end of the room was my best friend, Ishaan. He was tall, even taller than me, and I was one of the tallest guys in class.

Ishaan and I became friends when he joined our class in 7th standard. He was tall with a wheatish complexion, and his lively personality matched his talkative nature - he never seemed to shut up, always bubbling with enthusiasm. Despite his height, he was a bit of a nerd, passionate about exploring the world of games and movies. Our shared interests brought us closer quickly, and we bonded over our modest setups with pen drives and a PC.

Our gaming adventures were a delightful escape from the mundane school routine. We often exchanged pirated games obtained from friends, as neither of us could afford the original ones. It was a struggle to even buy the PC itself, involving much pleading and shedding a few tears, but the joy we found in playing and watching movies together made it all worth it. Those moments opened up a whole new world for us, where we could immerse ourselves in fantastic stories and thrilling gameplay.

Seated beside Ishaan, I could sense his excitement bubbling over as he wasted no time in bringing up the topic of the new girl. "Did you see the new girl?" he asked eagerly, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. My heart skipped a beat, and I had to hold back my own excitement over the chance to learn more about her.

Maintaining an air of nonchalance, I looked at Ishaan with a hint of uncertainty and replied, "Oh, yes, I think I did. Who is she?" I was dying to know more but didn't want to appear too eager. Ishaan's grin widened, as if he was about to reveal some exciting secret.

"Her name is Riya," he said, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "She lives in the Green Villa apartments, and guess what? She used to study at St. Mary's before coming here! Oh, and one more thing - she's single!" His excitement was contagious, and I couldn't help but be intrigued by all the information he had gathered.

Amused by Ishaan's thorough investigation, I commented, "Wow, you really did your homework on her, huh? You seem really interested!"

Ishaan chuckled playfully, "Well, you know me. I like to stay updated on the latest happenings. And who knows, maybe she could be the one for you, bro!"

A blush crept onto my cheeks, and I tried to brush off his teasing remark. "Come on, Ishaan, let's not jump to conclusions. We barely know each other."

With a knowing look, he nudged me and said, "You never know, my friend. Sometimes, the most unexpected encounters lead to beautiful connections. Just keep an open mind and see where fate takes you."

Lost in thought, I stared out of the window and confessed, "Well, maybe you're right. I mean, she did catch my eye today. I wonder if I'll ever get to talk to her." Patting my back reassuringly, Ishaan said, "Of course you will! You've got charm, my friend. Just be yourself, and she'll notice you too."

I couldn't help but smile at his encouragement, "Thanks, Ishaan. I appreciate your support, even if you are being a little too enthusiastic about this whole thing." Grinning back at me, he playfully replied, "That's what friends are for! Now, let's get through this day so we can have some game time later. We've got some new games to try out!"

His words struck a chord within me. I found myself contemplating the possibilities as we exchanged our pendrives full of new games. Riya seemed like an intriguing and fascinating person, and I couldn't deny the spark that had ignited within me from our brief encounter.

The innocent infatuation with the new girl sparked my curiosity too. Who was she, and what kind of person was she? Although Ishaan had provided me with a plethora of information, I couldn't help but wonder what our first encounter would be like.

The school bell may have rung, but a different kind of bell was about to ring—the bell of innocent infatuation, heralding the start of a new chapter in my life but little did I know all of it was in vain.

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