6. Whispers of Farewell

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I finished writing my answer papers, and this time, I had a feeling that I did really well. The relief of the exam being over was quickly replaced by excitement to meet Riya, my first crush. Today, the final exams coincided, and I couldn't wait to see her. The thought of not seeing her anymore after this day pained me deeply. I wished we had more time together.

As the bell rang, I hurriedly rushed to our usual tea shop hangout, hoping to find Riya there. But to my disappointment, there was nobody around. I waited anxiously for a few minutes, and then I saw her walking towards me, her smile lighting up my world. The blue uniform suited her perfectly.

"How was your exam?" she asked, her eyes filled with curiosity. I couldn't help but beam and replied, "Surprisingly well, actually! I didn't expect that at all. How about yours?" She smiled even wider and said with pride, "Mine went well too, just as I expected."

Our happiness was short-lived as the reality hit us that this might be our last meeting, at least for a long time. I gathered the courage to ask, "How will we keep in touch? I don't have a phone yet, but you should start a Facebook account so we can stay connected." She responded with a dull smile, "I already did it this morning." My smile returned, "Well, we'll text each other whenever possible, right?" She nodded, "Yes, we both should make an effort to do that."

We continued our conversation while walking around, cherishing every moment. And then, the moment of farewell arrived. "So, this is it," I said, trying to hold back my emotions, not wanting to leave the school, not because I loved the school, but because I didn't want to part with Riya. "Let's meet if possible, okay?" I suggested. She agreed, "Yes, we should. Let's go home and wherever you go, tell me everything about it, okay? Stay in touch."

"We will, won't we? Aren't we best friends?" I said with a hopeful smile. We bid each other farewell and walked away in opposite directions.

Little did I know that fate had different plans, and I would never have the chance to meet or talk to her again. The pain of losing a potential connection weighed heavily on my heart, leaving me with memories of that bittersweet day we said goodbye. But I held on to the hope that destiny might find a way to bring us back together someday. Until then, the memory of Riya and our fleeting encounter would remain etched in my heart.

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