16. Lost Opportunities

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The school trip—the highlight of every student's year. We'd been counting down the days, making plans, and dreaming of the adventures that awaited us in Ooty. And let me tell you, the excitement was palpable. But for me, there was one thought that dominated all others: I hoped Aisha would be there.

You see, Ooty wasn't just about the destination—it was about the journey and the company we kept along the way. And I couldn't imagine embarking on this epic adventure without Aisha by my side. But alas, fate had other plans. Her family had put the kibosh on her joining us, and my heart sank at the thought of her missing out. I mean, she'd even shed a tear or two in class over it. Talk about heartbreaking.

Enter Priya, the real MVP. Somehow, she worked her magic and convinced Aisha's family to let her go. Crisis averted, and the squad was back on track!

Now, being boys, you know we had to spice things up a bit. So, we pooled our resources and stocked up on booze for a pre-departure party. I mean, what's a school trip without a little liquid courage, right?

The big day finally arrived, and my buddy Ghosh and I were out the door bright and early. We had a date with destiny—and a bottle of vodka—at school. As night fell, the drinks started flowing, but being the cautious one, I stuck to just a few glasses. Little did I know, that decision would be a lifesaver.

Just when things were getting lively, Abhi shot me a desperate look, "Jay, buddy, I need a huge favor. Can you come with me to borrow some shoes from my friend for the trip? I promise it won't take long."

I hesitated for a moment, torn between the excitement of the pre-trip buzz and being a good friend. "Alright, let's make it quick," I replied, following him out of the school gates.

We made our way to Abhi's friend's place, a small detour from our usual route. As we approached the door, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to go horribly wrong. But little did I know, it was just the beginning of a wild ride.

Turns out, some of my classmates couldn't handle their liquor and ended up decorating the school grounds with their stomach contents. Cue the principal going full detective mode, sniffing out the culprits faster than you could say "hangover."

Panicked, my friends and I raced back to school, frantically trying to freshen up before facing the music. Toothpaste and mouthwash became our best friends as we attempted to mask the evidence of our little soirée.

Miraculously, I managed to slip past the principal's scrutiny, my innocent facade apparently convincing enough to escape suspicion. And just like that, I dodged a bullet—or should I say, a breathalyzer. Ah, the things we do for a little adventure.

As if the day couldn't get any worse, the faculty swooped in and confiscated the rest of the booze. Talk about a buzzkill. To add insult to injury, the cops were called, and our friends' parents were notified. Meanwhile, there was one of them, blissfully passed out in the principal's chair, living their best life without a care in the world.

In the end, they were barred from joining us on the trip, and we boarded the bus, disappointment hanging heavy in the air. But amidst the chaos, there was a glimmer of hope—Aisha was with us.

The journey began, and we threw ourselves into the festivities, dancing and singing our hearts out. But as the bus rolled to a stop at our destination, I found myself hesitating. Should I bother Aisha on this trip? After all she'd been through just to be here, the last thing I wanted was to annoy her.

As I stepped off the bus, I caught sight of Aisha standing alone in the darkness, as if she were waiting for someone—waiting for me, perhaps. I felt a tug at my heartstrings, but before I could approach her, Maneesha called out to her, and she joined the group.

We settled into our rooms, trying to salvage whatever fun we could without the booze. We lit some cigarettes, danced around like maniacs, and eventually drifted off to sleep.

The next two days passed in a blur of adventure and exploration. I stuck with my buddies, making a conscious effort not to intrude on Aisha's space. Every time our eyes met, I sensed her pulling back from the group, but I couldn't be sure if it was because of me or something else entirely.

Then came the final leg of our journey—the botanical gardens. As we wandered among the lush greenery, Aisha hung back from the group, her eyes locked on mine. I debated approaching her, but in the end, I chickened out.

On the way back, she fell back once again, walking beside me. I kicked myself for not seizing the opportunity to talk to her, but the moment slipped away, and before I knew it, the trip was over.

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