12. Dumbstruck and Snackless

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Ah, Aisha, the puzzle wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a veil, wrapped in... well, you get the idea. Trying to decode her signals is like trying to solve a Sudoku puzzle while being chased by a herd of stampeding kittens. One moment, she's shooting me a smile that could light up a room, the next, she's giving me the kind of glare usually reserved for people who microwave fish in the office kitchen.

And those eyes! They're like two shiny disco balls on the dance floor of my soul, dazzling and disorienting me in equal measure. If I had a dollar for every time I got lost in those mesmerizing orbs, I'd probably have enough to buy a lifetime supply of awkward encounters.

As for my friends, they're like the peanut gallery to my romantic misadventures, constantly chirping, "Just tell her how you feel, dude!" Sure, because confessing my undying love is as easy as ordering a pizza with extra cheese and zero regrets. Been there, done that, got the emotional scars to prove it.

But hey, who needs a functioning heart when you've got a well-honed sense of self-deprecating humor? So I'll continue to tiptoe around Aisha like a ninja with a crush, dodging eye contact like it's a game of emotional dodgeball. Here's to another year of longing glances, awkward silences, and enough romantic tension to power a small city. Cheers to the absurdity of unrequited love!

So, picture this: there I am, muddling through the labyrinth of high school social dynamics, when along comes Rinu, like a whirlwind of unpredictability and questionable decisions. Rinu was... well, Rinu. We had this dynamic that straddled the line between friendship and... something more. Let's just say there were sparks.

Me and Rinu had started to grow close, texting and talking in class and stuff. It was like our own little bubble in the midst of the chaos of high school life. She had this way of making me laugh, of seeing through the walls I'd built around myself. And yet, amidst all this newfound camaraderie, there was still Aisha, the unattainable star in my personal rom-com. I was crushing on her like a squirrel hoarding acorns for winter, but all I could manage were awkward "hi's" and "bye's" that probably sounded more like mating calls to a passing herd of wildebeests.

And then, just when I thought life couldn't get any more confusing, Rinu decides to hit me with a text out of the blue. You could practically hear the soundtrack of my life screech to a halt as I read her message.

In the hazy glow of my phone screen, Rinu's message blinked to life, a digital butterfly fluttering into my world.

"Hey you!" the message read.

I tapped out a response with hesitant fingers, unsure of where this conversation might lead. "Oh hey, what's up?"

"Not much, just thinking about you." Rinu's reply danced across the screen, teasing and playful.

I chuckled softly, feeling a warmth spread through me. "Smooth. What's on your mind?"

There was a pause, a pregnant silence that stretched between us even through the digital ether. Then, Rinu's next message appeared, a promise of something more. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something, but it's kinda better in person."

My curiosity piqued, I leaned back against the pillows, contemplating the mysteries that lay ahead. "Intriguing. Well, you've piqued my curiosity. Guess I'll have to wait till we're back at school then."

Rinu's reply came swift and sure, a harbinger of secrets yet to be revealed. "Yup, you got it! See you soon."

Textbook day, the highlight of our mid-break hiatus. The gang—Alwin, Arjun, Hari, Jishnu, and yours truly—sauntered in, ready to snag our fresh reads for the upcoming school year.

And there she was, Aisha, oh Aisha. There she is, rocking this casual ensemble that could give any other girl there a run for her money. I'm talking effortless elegance—like she just rolled out of bed looking fabulous. Her white kurta paired with that matching veil? Pure magic. It's like she's got this aura that commands attention without even trying. And let me tell you, I was definitely caught in the headlights for a hot second.

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