7. Unspoken Bonds and New Beginnings

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The results were finally out, and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it– a Full A+, just what my parents had always wanted. It's funny how this is such a common demand among parents in our country, especially Asian parents. But for once, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride for making them happy. Deep down, I knew my capabilities, and I wasn't afraid of failing, but this unexpected outcome did surprise me a little. Excited about the news, I immediately reached out to my friend Riya to share the update with her.

As I typed out the message to Riya, I couldn't help but reflect on our changing friendship. We used to be so close, but lately, things have shifted. Our conversations have become scarce, and I can't help but wonder if her parents caught her texting her boyfriend. Despite this, I couldn't help but feel happy for myself, knowing that I had achieved something significant. However, it did suck to see Riya going through a tough time.

Texting Riya was my way of reconnecting, "Hey, results are out! I got a full A+. Thinking of coming to school next week, will you be there? My treat!" Hoping for a reply, I continued with my day as usual.

Later in the day, I went over to my friend Shankar's house, where we usually play competitive cricket matches with our buddies – Arun, Adithyan, and Aman. Shankar was beaming with excitement, "I passed, bro! I passed! And with 80 percent, bro, 80 percent!" I congratulated him and revealed my own marks, to which Aromal shared the same marks as mine.

Feeling a bit down about the situation with Riya, Arun sensed my mood and decided to cheer me up. "Come on, bro, why be sad at such a moment? We all passed with flying colors! Let's celebrate!" His words lifted my spirits, and we all decided to go out in the evening to treat ourselves to our achievements.

As we started playing cricket, I couldn't help but reminisce about my crush on Riya. It had waned a bit, but a part of it still lingered. Nevertheless, with my friends by my side, the joy of our academic success overshadowed any lingering sadness. We laughed, played, and celebrated together, grateful for the bond we shared and the achievements we had attained.

Later in the evening, we all gathered at a nearby restaurant to celebrate our achievements. The ambiance was lively, and we were laughing and joking, reminiscing about the challenging times we faced during our studies. Arun, ever the prankster, pulled out some old photographs from our school days, embarrassing all of us with our awkward poses and hairstyles. It was a delightful reminder of how far we had come since then.

During the celebration, my phone buzzed, indicating a new message. I checked it, hoping it was Riya's reply. To my surprise, it was her, and the message read, "Hey! Congratulations on the A+! That's amazing news. Sorry, I've been busy with some family stuff. Sure, I'll try to come to school next week. And thanks for the treat offer ;p"

I was relieved to see her response and quickly typed back, "Thank you! It would be great to see you again. Let's catch up properly soon!"

The evening continued with laughter and camaraderie. It felt good to have my friends around, supporting and encouraging each other in every step of our lives. As the night grew darker, we decided to call it a day and bid farewell, knowing that our bond was stronger than ever.

Over the next few days, I couldn't help but think about Riya and our friendship. Perhaps it was time to rekindle our connection and bridge the gap that had formed between us. I made a mental note to spend more time talking to her once she was back at school.

As the day of returning to school approached, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. The school seemed like a distant memory, and I wondered how different things would be now. Upon entering, I eagerly looked for Riya amidst the sea of students. Finally, I spotted her chatting with some of her classmates. I approached her with a warm smile, and she turned around, surprised to see me.

"Hey, congratulations on your amazing results!" she said with genuine excitement.

"Thank you! And sorry for not being in touch earlier. I guess we've both been busy," I replied, trying to make amends for the lack of communication.

"It's okay. Life gets hectic sometimes," she said, smiling warmly.

As we strolled through the school corridors, the excitement of meeting Riya after the results had settled down, but my heart was still pounding with a mix of emotions. I wanted to tell her how I felt, but I decided against it at the last moment. "So, Riya, how have you been?" I asked, trying to maintain a casual tone.

She laughed and replied, "Oh, you know, the usual drama. My parents caught me texting my boyfriend, and it was quite an ordeal. But hey, we're still together, so all's well!"

I smiled, masking the sadness that lurked beneath and responded playfully, "Ah, young love and its complications. But I'm glad everything worked out for you."

As we continued talking, my mind wandered, reflecting on my feelings for Riya. It was difficult to suppress my emotions, but I knew it was for the best. I wanted to cherish our friendship and not risk ruining it with my confession. "I've realized that being friends with Riya is the right path for me," I thought to myself, "even if it means pushing my feelings aside."

We said our goodbyes later, and as my friends and I walked home, I felt a sense of relief. I realized that I should focus on my future and not dwell on unrequited feelings. Life had other plans for me, and I was determined to embrace them.

In the following weeks, Riya and I remained friends, but as time passed, we naturally drifted apart. It was bittersweet, but I accepted it as part of life's ebb and flow. Eventually, we stopped talking altogether, and I found solace in the company of my other friends.

Soon, a new chapter of my life was about to begin as I got admitted to a higher secondary school nearby. The thought of starting fresh, in an unfamiliar place with new faces, filled me with both excitement and apprehension. "What does life hold for me there?" I wondered, eager to uncover the adventures that awaited me.

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