3. Ray of Hope

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Several days had slipped away, and my hope of talking to her had all but faded. I had made numerous attempts to get a chance to speak with Riya, but fate seemed determined to keep us apart. Ishaan, my friend, offered little help, resorting to spouting philosophical gibberish whenever I sought his assistance. It seemed that he, too, was familiar with the pangs of unrequited crushes, having remained single despite harboring feelings for several girls in the past.

With little progress in my quest to connect with Riya, I decided to focus more on my studies and the weekly extracurricular classes. It was a wise decision, as it helped me divert my mind from this elusive pursuit.

As Thursday arrived, the day when we attended different extracurricular activities, I eagerly headed to my art class. Art had been my choice since the 7th standard, primarily because I enjoyed drawing and, admittedly, because the art teacher was quite lenient. The classes were often filled with laughter and idle chatter, and we found ourselves wasting time in a carefree manner.

However, on this particular day, something felt different. As I was engrossed in playing a game with my classmates, I happened to glance up and saw Riya gracefully approaching our classroom. It was as if the entire school had momentarily slowed down, and my attention became fixated on her presence.

In that moment, I couldn't help but acknowledge that romantic movies might not be entirely untrue. My heart pounded in my chest, and I found myself silently praying, "Please, God, let her join the art class." I yearned for the opportunity to talk to her, to know her better, and perhaps, even create a connection.

Watching her request permission to speak with our cool art teacher, I couldn't help but wish I were in his place, just for a moment, so I could engage in a conversation with her. However, that wishful thinking would later prove to be a foolish desire, as I came to understand.

To my joyous surprise, it seemed that the universe had answered my prayers. Riya's presence in our art class was now a reality, and I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that this encounter might mark the beginning of something special.

Riya walked towards me and found a seat right next to mine. I couldn't believe my luck. My heart was in a state of turmoil, a swirling mix of excitement, happiness, confusion, sadness, and fear, all bursting within me. She looked at me, and I felt utterly captivated, completely lost in her gaze.

Finally, breaking the silence, she said, "HY." Oh, what an exhilarating "hi" it was! I stumbled over my words but managed to respond, "Hi. Are you the new student?"

She looked away briefly, searching her bag before replying, "Yes, I am. My name is Riya. What's yours?"

Nervously, I replied, "I'm Jay." After a brief moment of hesitation, I mustered the courage to continue, "You are in the 9th grade, right?" My heart pounded in my chest as I anxiously awaited her response. Her eyes met mine, and for a split second, it felt as if time stood still. I couldn't help but blush slightly, my dark chocolate complexion concealing my embarrassment quite well. "Yes," Riya replied with a smile, "and you are?"

"I'm in the 10th grade," I responded, my voice betraying a mix of excitement and nervousness. To my surprise, she seemed intrigued, "Oh, you're in the 10th grade? I thought we were in the same batch as I've seen you quite often around." Her words sent a flutter of hope through me, but I couldn't shake off the uncertainty that lingered in my mind. Did she really notice me before? Or was it merely a casual observation?

I didn't want to read too much into her words, afraid of building false expectations.

Feeling a bit more at ease, I decided to carry on the conversation. "Yeah, we might have crossed paths," I said, trying to sound nonchalant, "Our school isn't that big, after all. But it's nice that we finally got a chance to talk." Riya's eyes sparkled, and her smile grew wider. "Absolutely," she replied warmly, "I was hoping to make some new friends here. It can be a bit daunting to be the new kid." I nodded in understanding. "Well, you've come to the right place," I assured her, trying my best to sound reassuring, "Our school is full of friendly people, and I'm sure you'll fit right in."

This was the moment I had been waiting for, and yet, it felt like an opportunity slipping away. I had to make a lasting impression on her, something that would linger in her thoughts long after this day. I needed to find the right words to continue our conversation, to show her my true self, and maybe, just maybe, bridge the gap between us.

As fate would have it, just when I was beginning to converse with Riya, Jeevan appeared on the scene, completely oblivious to my feelings for her. He struck up a conversation with her effortlessly, displaying impeccable communication skills that left me feeling like an amateur. I knew for sure that I couldn't list "communication" as one of my skills on any resume.

I observed Riya's gaze subtly shifting towards me while she conversed with Jeevan. Only Ishaan seemed to notice, but he managed to maintain his composure, thankfully. Meanwhile, I found myself unable to hold her gaze for even a moment. Every time she looked my way, I averted my eyes, pretending to be engrossed in the dimly lit classroom surroundings.

Our art teacher was quite the character, typical of art folks, with long hair, big round spectacles, and an air of sophistication around him. I wish I could've paid more attention to the classroom, but my mind was preoccupied with far more important matters - like Riya's presence. Caught up in my thoughts, I was startled when Riya glanced at me directly. A chill ran down my spine. Why did she look at me like that? Was there any interest in her eyes, or was I just imagining things? No, I thought, she's way too good for me. I felt a mix of anxiety and excitement, unsure of how to act around her.

The bell finally rang, signaling the end of the class. We bid our farewells, and I found myself walking home with my buddies, Aman and Arun. They couldn't help but notice that my mind was preoccupied with something. "What's bothering you, Jay?" asked Aman, concerned.

I hesitated before replying, "Oh, it's nothing. Just a lot on my mind, you know?"

Arun chimed in, teasingly, "I bet it's about Riya, isn't it? You've been staring at her all day!"

I blushed, trying to play it off casually. "Come on, guys, it's not like that. She's just a new student, that's all."

Deep down, though, my head was indeed filled with thoughts of Riya. As time went on, it became increasingly challenging to focus on anything else. I couldn't help but wonder if she felt anything for me or if I was simply deluding myself with impossible dreams.

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