4. Twist of Fate

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As the next art class approached, Riya and I found ourselves drawn together, thanks to the not-so-coincidental encounters orchestrated by Ishaan. Our conversations had brought us closer, and we were becoming good friends. Through these talks, I discovered that she had a six-year-old little brother and that her father owned multiple supermarkets nearby. Riya was an active sports enthusiast, unlike me, the athletic underachiever who struggled to complete a 100-meter sprint in what felt like an eternity. Academically, I had transformed into somewhat of a nerd since 9th grade, while she embodied the carefree spirit, seeking my help with doubts from time to time.

As I saw her approaching, I felt a sense of comfort. The boys, having been informed of my romantic developments, now let us be, all thanks to Ishaan—his guidance was invaluable when it came to these matters. We resumed our chat from where we left off last time.

"So you're a big Harry Potter fan too?" I asked with a smile.

Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she responded, "Yes, I am! I've read all the books and watched all the movies."

Delighted by her response, I inquired further, "Tell me, who's your favourite character?"

"Hermione Granger" she replied, imitating Ron's hilarious imitation of Wingardium Leviosa. We both burst into laughter, and in that moment, I felt at ease with her.

With newfound confidence, I decided to take a small step forward and asked playfully, "So, do you have a boyfriend?"

Riya hesitated for a moment, giving me a teasing look, "Why do you want to know?"

I decided to play it cool, "Nah, just curious. You do have one, don't you?" I said, playing along with her.

But little did I know that her response would strike me like a bolt from the blue. "It's a big secret, don't tell anybody, but yes, I do have a boyfriend. He's a family friend, and things are pretty serious between us."

I felt devastated, my emotions swirling uncontrollably inside me. I struggled to process the information I had just received. Despite the turmoil within, I managed to maintain my composure and responded, pretending to be unfazed, "Oh, that's great for you. What grade is he in?"

"He's in 11th grade," she replied.

That simple statement cut deep into my heart. I could feel my emotions churning, but I masked it with a smooth change of topic. We delved into more Harry Potter talk to distract my mind from the painful revelation. I tried my best to remain composed, though deep down, only I knew how devastated I truly was. Soon, Ishaan sensed my inner turmoil too.

As the art class progressed, I couldn't shake off the heaviness in my heart. But being in Riya's presence still brought some solace, even if she was taken. I tried my best to be the same cheerful person I had been before, but there was an undeniable ache inside me.

In the midst of art supplies and creative expressions, my mind kept drifting to thoughts of what could have been. But I knew I had to find a way to accept reality and move on, even if it meant burying my feelings deep within me.

For the rest of the day, I forced a smile and engaged in friendly banter, determined to let go of the disappointment that had engulfed me. But beneath that façade, my heart remained tangled in a web of emotions, trying to come to terms with the unforeseen twist that life had thrown my way.

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