15. Unveiled

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"Hi, Jay," Aisha greeted me, catching me off guard. I mean, I wasn't exactly expecting a casual chat with the girl of my dreams right then and there. But hey, I wasn't about to let my nerves get the best of me.

"Hey, Aisha, what's up?" I replied, trying to play it cool with an awkward smile plastered on my face. Smooth, right? Not.

Then came the bombshell: "So, I heard you and Rinu had a little something-something going on. True or false?"

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as embarrassment washed over me. Talk about being put on the spot. But hey, desperate times call for desperate measures, right?

So, I decided to whip out the ol' uno reverse card. "Eh, maybe, maybe not. Why the sudden interest?" I shot back, throwing in a mischievous laugh for good measure. "Feeling a little jealous, are we?"

Her reaction was priceless. Aisha stuttered, stumbling over her words like she'd been caught red-handed. "Uh, I, no, I just..."

I didn't give her a chance to recover. "Relax, it's no biggie. Rinu and I aren't exactly Romeo and Juliet, you know. Besides, I've got my sights set on someone else," I declared, locking eyes with her for added effect. "She's just a friend. Well, ex-friend, maybe," I added, shooting a glance in Rinu's direction, who seemed blissfully unaware of our little chat. "But I'm curious, why the sudden interest in my love life?"

Aisha regained her composure, mustering up a nonchalant shrug. "Oh, just curious, you know. Anyway, carry on," she said, waving off the conversation like it was no big deal. High school drama at its finest.

Ah, the joys of texting—where I could charm Aisha with my wit and charisma without the awkwardness of face-to-face conversations. But hey, progress was progress, right? And boy, was I making some headway. I mean, every little exchange felt like a victory, each text bringing me closer to unraveling the mysteries of Aisha's heart.

As the final days of our two-year education journey crept closer, I realized time was running out. So, mustering all the courage I had, I decided to take a leap of faith and approach Aisha once more. This time, with a little more finesse.

"Hey, Aisha, mind if we chat for a sec?" I ventured, hoping she wouldn't think I was some kind of weirdo for springing this on her out of the blue.

To my relief, she responded with a warm, "Of course, Jay. What's up?"

Now or never, I told myself. "Listen, Aisha, you know I've got feelings for you, right? Like, really deep feelings. But I can't help but wonder... is it something about me? My looks, my skin color? What's the deal?"

She seemed taken aback by my sudden candor, but she didn't shy away from the question. "Jay, it's not about any of that. I don't judge people based on their appearance or background. But you know how it is—our families, our cultures. It's complicated."

My heart skipped a beat. Did she just hint that she felt the same way? I couldn't contain my excitement. "Wait, so you're saying there's a chance? You do have feelings for me, right?"

A faint blush colored her cheeks, and my hopes soared. Maybe, just maybe, this could work out after all. But then reality came crashing down.

"No, Jay, that's not what I meant," she replied, her tone firm but gentle. "I'm sorry, but this... us... it's just not feasible."

I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. All that hope, all those fantasies of a future together, shattered in an instant.

"So, you're saying you don't love me?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Her response was like a dagger to the heart. "I'm sorry, Jay. I don't love you."

And just like that, the dream was over. Hurt and disappointed, I tried to mask my pain as I walked away, wondering where it all went wrong.

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