15. get you

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get you !

     THE next day kinsley was anxiously pacing while stefani watched 'you' and while her dad cooked breakfast for stefani. kinsley might have asked caitlin if she wanted to go out for breakfast with her and her dad. she doesn't know what came over her it was 3am thought and she did it.

"can you stop, you're giving me an unwanted headache." stefani said but kinsley didn't stop. stefani groaned sliding down onto the couch putting up the volume to the tv. there was sudden my three knocks on the door signaling that it was caitlin.

"are you going to open the door?" her dad asked turning off the stove and putting the two chocolate chips pancakes on the plate and giving it to stefani. the blonde giggled giving him the biggest smile and thanked him.

kinsley walked over to the door and opened it up. god i'm falling. kinsley thought to herself as caitlin stood there in a casual outfit but it wasn't even about that. it was about the fact that she had a bouquet of flowers a box of chocolates.

"hi." kinsley breathed out her heart thumping quicker than flash can run from one side of the world to the other.

"hey," caitlin said as equally nervous as her. "i, uh, i brought you these flowers and i didn't know if i should bring you dad flowers because well, anyways, i got him these chocolate because they're so good and i grew up with the mindset to always gift people things to make a good first impression even if it's something small and i really want to make a—" caitlin was cut off by kinsley's lips on hers.

kinsley stepped forward closing the door behind her leaving them in the hallway. once the door was closed kinsley deepened the kiss by putting her hands on her face and dragging her down to her height. caitlin hummed into the kiss pressing her against the door.

"you're so cute when you're nervous clark." kinsley said pulling away from the kiss. caitlin chasing after her lips and kissing her again. kinsley giggled and pushed her off.

ever since the other day caitlin has been nervous to be about kinsley and mess it up. she doesn't want it hurt kinsley and end up on her "i hate you" list. she knows that kinsley deserves the entire world, possibly even more than just a single world. and she was going to make sure kinsley gets the whole galaxy.

"thank you," kinsley said grabbing the flowers from caitlin. "they're beautiful." kinsley said leaning up and giving her a kiss on the cheek. when kinsley pulled, the two hopelessly romantic girls just stared at each other. the words right on the bottom of their tongue but they knew they had to do it right for it to work out between them.

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