Senior Year

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Chapter One
Senior Year

This was it. This was my last day of senior year at Beckton High School. I looked over at my best friends Lena and Kara anticipating the screech of the final bell.

Lena Robertson was a gorgeous red-haired genius who also happened to be an extreme social butterfly.

Kara Hall on the other hand, was a quiet, and very introverted person who could spend hours upon hours reading a Nicholas Sparks novel and drinking tea underneath her covers.

I, was somewhere in the middle. I was an average student, and a little bit socially awkward. I love to draw and have a knack for interior design.

The three of us met in grade seven during a class project. Since then, we have been through so much together. They had helped me through my breakup with my ex-boyfriend Jay Timmons after I caught him cheating with one of my now ex-friends. I don't know what I would do without them.

I was snapped back into reality and away from my thoughts by the sound of my freedom. The school bell. I quickly gathered my things and my best friends and we rushed off to our lockers.

Beckton California was a small town about an hour or so south of LA. Within twenty minutes of the final bell, we were pulling into my driveway.

I fit my key into the lock of the front door and twisted the handle. I was about to push the big heavy door open when Kara and Lena rushed past me and beat me to it.

I closed the door behind us and followed the girls up to my room.

My house wasn't all that big, since it was just my mom and I. My dad left us when I was about ten and I haven't heard from him since. So, my mum decided to leave all of our family memories behind back in San Francisco, and buy us a small house right on the beach here in Beckton.

As soon as I arrived in my room, I threw my backpack across the room and onto my desk chair, and flopped dramatically onto my bed next to Lena.

She had already made herself at home as per usual, and Kara was trying to find herself a comfortable position on my chaise.

"What do we do now?" Kara asked after she finally got comfy.

The three of us looked at each other with the same evil looking expression on our faces.

No words were needed after that. I ran downstairs to grab some popcorn and any candy I could find, while Lena and Kara located every sappy, romantic, cliché movie that I owned.

I returned only minutes later with three bowls of popcorn and multiple bags of M&Ms. Kara put The Notebook into the DVD player and we got comfy on my bed ready to start our movie marathon.

After we had finished about six movies, five bags of popcorn and countless M&Ms, we all decided that we needed some girl talk.

Lena and her boyfriend Jason had recently broken it off after a year of seeing each other. He got accepted to a university in British Columbia and was extremely thrilled about going. The only thing holding him back was Lena. They decided that they didn't want to have a long-distance relationship so they broke it off.

These two crazy kids were 100% perfect for each other. And that's saying a lot coming from her best friend.

Lena has been taking it pretty hard so our girl talk consisted of mostly Kara and I cuddling Lena and giving her soothing reassurance that everything would in fact be alright.

That night consisted of mostly Lena going on about how perfect her and Jason were for each other and how they were meant to be together. She would say things like, "why does the universe have it out for me?? What did I o wrong??" and at times like this, I start to tear up. I hate hearing one of my best friends in a state like this. So, like any normal person I change the topic which usually works out smoothly. But I didn't dare to tonight.

Today, June 16th would have been Lena and Jason's two year anniversary. Normally the vent-sessions we have for Lena are bad, but, this one, was a whole lot worse.

Kara and I just kinda sat there and agreed with what Lena was saying and every "don't you ever think like that!!!" was held back because we knew that today was a hard day for her and she needed to get it off of her chest.

My mum had gotten home from work at about five and I quickly asked her if the girls could stay the night. Even though I knew that I pretty much didn't need to ask anymore. My mum had gotten almost accustomed to Lena and Kara staying the night on Fridays.

It was about four in the morning and after hours of trying to get Lena to calm down, we all fell asleep.
Hello lovely readers!
I've noticed this chapter has more reads than others and I PROMISE that the chapters get better. I had to do the awful task of introducing everything in this one. So please read on and keep voting and commenting! I really appreciate it.

Happy reading!
Eagle_Eye_13 xx

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