Welcome Home

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Chapter Thirty
Welcome Home

*Note: There is a time jump in this chapter. It takes place about three months after 'Double Date Night' so try not to get confused*

I was extremely excited when I woke up on the morning of May 7th. Not only was it my twentieth birthday, but today was the day Chris finally got to come back home to Beckton. For good this time. Addison and I had been staying in Paris since Chris had been there, but we had to go back home to re-stock our clothes since we didn't know how long we would be there when we originally flew out. We were furiously rummaging through the hotel room looking for anything we could have left behind. Satisfied with not finding anything, Addison and I waltzed out of our hotel room pulling our suitcases behind us.

We packed everything into the rental car and headed for the hospital; which was only a five minute drive. Addison sent Ryan a quick text stating that we were on our way over and that they should start getting their things packed up.

We arrived at the hospital and made our way up to the fifth floor. Since he was getting better, Chris had been moved from the trauma floor up to recovery where his shoulder could finish healing and he could undergo some physiotherapy to help strengthen it again.

When we reached the room, we opened the door to reveal a rather messy room and Chris and Ryan scrambling around trying to clean up as fast as they could.

"You couldn't have started any sooner?" Addison asked sarcastically as she entered the room.

"We were playing Go Fish and things got pretty intense. We couldn't just stop" Ryan smirked planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Whatever" she said smiling a little "let's go. You guys have to hurry up before we do some last minute sight seeing"

I nodded in agreement before going over to help them put some of the things scattered everywhere into their backpacks. We hadn't been doing as much sight seeing as I would've liked, but considering that Chris was seriously injured for most of the time we were there eased the slight disappointment.

"Happy birthday baby doll" Chris whispered pulling me in for a quick but loving kiss. He pulled away and I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him back for another kiss. He chuckled as he wrapped one arm around my entire waist and lifted me into the air. I wrapped my legs around his waist and quickly kissed him again before giving him a giant hug. I loved this man so much.

"Happy birthday babe" Ryan winked before pulling me in for a massive bear hug and spinning me in the air. I kissed him on the cheek and he set me down again. Ryan had turned into the big brother I never had.

We were leaving on a 4:00 plane to Beckton and it was about 10:00 now. We had lots of time but Addison and I wanted to see everything again. The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre everything.

When the boys finally managed to pack everything, we put their stuff in the trunk of the rental and headed to our first destination: L'Arc De Triomphe. Chris and Addison were both huge history geeks so they suggested coming here first. Ryan and I got all of the history behind the city and the Arc while we walked around and admired its beauty.

Ryan got to pick the next location which; to my surprise, happened to be the Louvre. We didn't get to see the whole museum considering our time limit, but we had been there a few weeks ago and saw the entire thing so it wasn't too big of a loss.

Our last destination was mine and Chris's pick. The Eiffel Tower. I loved it. I had drawn it a few times and had different canvases of it and other attractions in Paris scattered around my room. France was one of my favourite countries. We had packed a picnic lunch and ate in the garden in front of the Eiffel Tower. One of the first items on my bucket list. After we ate, we decided to take the elevator to the top.

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