Two Days...

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Chapter Fourteen
Two Days...

She fell asleep while we were watching the Lion King and she clutched onto my shirt like her life depended on it. I heard that it isn't good to wake someone up when they are having a nightmare so I just rubbed circles on her back in an attempt to calm her down.

She had my shirt in her tight grasp when I heard her whimpers that turned into quiet sobs and my shirt slowly became wet with her tears. I couldn't stand to watch it so I gently shook her shoulder.

"Wake up darlin, come on wake up" I whispered.

She flinched and sat up straight very quickly. She turned to me, her eyes still brimmed with tears and threw her arms around my neck crying into my shoulder whispering "don't go" in between her sobs.

"Don't go where my lovely?" I questioned.

"Away" she muttered. And I knew exactly what she meant.

"Aw darlin, you know I have to. It's my last tour and then I'm home for good." I spoke these words in an attempt to calm her down.

She continued to cry into my shoulder.

"What happened in the dream?" I asked.

"" she whimpered.

I brought her close to me in a tight hug. Stroking her hair, and muttering,

"Shhh it's alright. It was just a dream. I'm here now"

I hated seeing her like this. And I know that a month or so ago I said I was unsure about going, but as much as I wanted to stay home with Nicole and Addison, I had to go for dad. I felt like this was the only way I could still feel connected with him.


I began to calm down after about fifteen minutes and Chris and I just sat together in silence. Embracing each other's company. Knowing it wouldn't last for much longer.

"Why don't we go to the beach?" Chris suggested.

"Alright" I muttered wiping my nose.

"Come on" he said "we need to grab your bathing suit darlin"

He took my hand and led me up the stairs to my bedroom.

He opened my drawer and pulled out the teal bikini I wore on the day we met.

"You go put this on and then we can run over to my place so I can grab my swim shorts alright?"

"Alright" I said and he placed a kiss on my forehead before exiting the room.

I got changed into my bikini and grabbed two towels for Chris and I.

We drove to Chris's place and he grabbed his suit as well as an overnight bag with a toothbrush and change of clothes. He was staying with me because he was leaving in two days and the house was too quiet with just me.

When we got to the beach, we found our spot and I saw something a few feet from our towels.

I walked over to where it was and I saw that there were sea turtle eggs that were beginning to hatch.

"Chris!!! Chris come here!!" I screamed.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked worried.

"Look" I said.

"Wow" he breathed.

We stood together and followed the little sea turtles as they made their way to the shore and off into their new home.

"That was amazing" Chris said.

"it was wasn't it?" I smiled.

Chris was leaning down to kiss me and I closed my eyes. Big mistake.

Chris bent down and threw me over his shoulder.

I screamed and laughed as he ran around the beach. He ran into the water and threw me in. He was standing above me and gave me a hand up. I took his hand and with all of my might, I pulled back on it. Much to my surprise, he toppled over and into the water with me.

I laughed hysterically and made fun of him at how I was able to pull him into the water. We goofed around in the water for a little while longer until we stopped and went to our spot to watch the sunset.

We decided at around ten that we should head for home. We walked into the house and sat down on the couch together. We watched a movie and after that, it was time to go to bed. Chris lifted me from the couch, kissed me passionately and carried me upstairs.

Two days.....
Oh no!!! Chris is leaving in two days!! :(
What's gonna happen? How is Nicole gonna deal with the stress of her Mum and Chris potentially dying??
Keep reading to find out!
Love seeing your comments and votes!

Happy reading!
Eagle_Eye_13 xx

Lieutenant GarrettOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora