Ferris Wheel

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                              Chapter Five
                              Ferris Wheel

When we arrived at the fair grounds, I reached for my purse.

"Oh no. You are NOT paying" he said.

"And why not Mr. Garrett?" I asked playfully.

"Because Miss Collins, you are my date. And a real gentleman, like myself, NEVER lets his date pay for anything" he laughed.

"I'm not winning this am I?" I asked. Well, stated.

"Nope. Sorry darlin"

He took my hand away from my purse causing it to fall to my side, as he reached for his wallet.

When we walked through the large front gate, my eyes lit up at the sight of the cotton candy stand.

"You stay right here and don't go anywhere" he said.

I did what he asked and after what felt like forever, he returned with a stick of cotton candy in each hand.

"Open up"

I slowly opened my mouth and the sweet sugary treat dissolved as soon as it made contact with my tongue.

I smiled at the taste of my favorite childhood treat.

"Your turn" I said. I did the same to him. Only I had to stand on my toes to reach his tilted head.

He laughed at how much taller he was than me.

"Hey! Don't laugh! It's not my fault I'm short!" I exclaimed slapping him in the arm.

"I know but it's just too darn cute!" he laughed moving my hand away.

"Why do you keep saying that?" I asked self-consciously.

"Because it's true"

"No its not" I muttered under my breath hoping he wouldn't hear.

"Hey" he said. He pulled me in for a tight hug. "Nicole look at me" I looked at my feet "look at me" he placed a finger underneath my chin so I was forced to look at him.

"You are the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. Why do you think I randomly walked up to you at the beach yesterday?" he asked.

"I don't know" I responded.

"Because when I saw you lying on the beach, something inside of me clicked and at that moment I knew I had to talk to you. And I am so extremely glad that I did. Nicole you are a beautiful and amazing girl. Don't you ever doubt yourself again" he said placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

I felt my cheeks begin to flush a light pink colour and tingles erupted on the spot where his lips had been.

I looked up at him and made a small smile. He did the same and draped one of his arms around my shoulders as he led me towards the games.

It was about nine thirty when we had finished playing every game at the fair. Chris and I had spotted the Ferris Wheel and we were making our way towards it.

Since it was getting late, there weren't many people left at the fair. So the line for the Ferris Wheel was rather short.

Before we knew it, Chris and I were seated in a chair and ascending towards the starry night sky. We were making small talk on the way up until, just when we reached the top, the Ferris Wheel stopped.

I stopped mid-sentence and stared up at the sky.

"Wow" I breathed. It truly was spectacular.

"Beautiful" Chris said. I looked over at him. Only, he wasn't looking at the sky. He was looking straight at me.

He enclosed my hand with his own and he slowly started to close the space in between us.

After what felt like forever, his lips connected with mine. His free hand moved from the seat behind me to the back of my neck his other hand still wrapped around mine.

It was like this where I felt safe from the world around me. Like he wouldn't let anything ever hurt me. I smiled and we both pulled away.

His hand returned to its original position behind my seat his hand never letting go of mine, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

There was a quick jolt and the Ferris Wheel began to turn again.

When the Ferris Wheel had reached the ground, Chris helped me down from the seat and took hold of my hand as we walked.

What a gentleman he was.

"Ooo kettle corn" he muttered. "Want some?"

"Did you have to ask?" I giggled. 

He laughed at me and bought us a huge bag of kettle corn to share.

We decided that it was time to leave the fair and revisit the beach.

It didn't take us long to get there, and when we got to the beach, we plopped ourselves down in our spot.

Chris slung his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. I moved even closer and rested my head in the crook of his neck breathing in his scent.

He turned his head and kissed me on the forehead. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and a smile spread across my face.

I looked up at Chris who was smiling ear to ear. He kissed me on the forehead, then each of my temples, my cheeks, and continued moving down my face until he reached my lips.

After what felt like forever, we pulled away and sat in comfortable silence.
Hello my lovely readers!!!

Thank you guys so much for reading Lieutenant Garrett!! Im having so much fun writing it and I hope you all love it as much as I do!!!

I have updated the cast list for this story so if you would like to check it out, you can see how well the characters match the actors. I think I did a pretty good job ;)

I love hearing your feedback and I love hearing ideas for potential chapters of Lieutenant Garrett or even new books

Keep reading and voting!!
Eagle_Eye_13 xx

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